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Trophy presentation
location: PMAC

I definitely panicked on having to tell Flau how I felt about her and I hate to say that Mani is a savior but she definitely is.

If Mani didn't walk in when she did I probably would've kissed her. Not even probably, I definitely would have.

It was extremely awkward between the three of us as we were walking to the PMAC. No matter how hard Mani tried to make it normal, she failed.

She couldn't stop looking at me and smirking cause she knows she almost walked in on something.

She gets on my nerves so bad.

"Angel your skirt is cute and your hair looks sooo good. When did you get it done?" Mani asked me

At this point Flau is walking practically about a mile ahead of us but she does walk pretty fast so it makes sense.

"Mani be fr, ask what you want to ask, I doubt she'll be able to hear us" I said while rolling my eyes.

She been waiting to ask me what happened I know it.

"Say less, so miss girl what did I walk in on?" she said while giggling

"Nothing honestly, she just pulled me close to her after I told her we had to leave to make it here on time." I said simply.

That's all that happened. Nothing was about to happen right?

"Yea but what did you want to happen?" Mani asked now smirking watching me closely.

I can't tell her what I really wanted. Im not sure if we would have left my room.

"It caught me so off guard I didn't expect anything like that to happen in the first place." I said avoiding the question

"Girl you ain't saying nothing, I'm asking you if I didn't walk in what would have happened?" Mani spoke

"Mani." I sighed

As much as I want to tell Mani what I wanted to do, I can't.

I'm having trouble even telling Flau how I feel, so you can imagine how scared I am to act on those feelings.

Even when the opportunity presents itself i'm still hesitant to make my move.

I can't do anything that would jeopardize my relationship with her, not when nothing is clear.

We finally made it to the PMAC after we walked across campus which took forever.

Flau's scooter would come in handy right about now.

As we walked in Coach Mulkey greeted us, particularly taking notice to how distant Flau looked, even calling her out on it.

"Flau'jae what's wrong with you, it's a great day today, we're about to celebrate you"

"Nothing coach, just ready to get this over with." She said in a calm tone

"Well it'll be over in a little over an hour so you better strap your seat in, you'll be sitting a while" Coach said

"An hour???" I chimed in "What they about to do where it's gone take an hour to present a trophy we already got?" I spat

Because damn.

Coach ended up telling us there's going to multiple guest speakers and they even want to try to interview the seniors.

Everybody sighed. This about to be a long, boring ceremony.

I definitely zoned out while we were on stage. Coach wasn't lying about there being multiple speakers but I swear they each talk for about 20 minutes saying nothing.

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