Chapter 10: An Intelligent Sexy Hot Piece of Meat, For Me? Yes Please!

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Ch10: An Intelligent Sexy Hot Piece of Meat, For Me? Yes Please!

"That was a good date," Alex chuckles opening the door for me and I nod awkwardly.

"Yeah," I smile. "It was the best-es."


Oh man, someone just eat me now.

"Okay," he laughs. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight," I run up the stairs and quickly into my room.

That was just horrifying. Worst date of my life.

So Alex took me to go get dinner at some restaurant called Betsy's which was actually nice.

Then we grabbed some yogurt at a place called Yogurtland which was also nice.

The only problem, a big problem, was that I couldn't even look at him without getting mad at the fact that he called me a slut.

I know, I know, I said we were okay, but I can't just forget it. Or can I?


I can't.

I can't forget because all that goes through my mind is, maybe they're right?

I did make a bet with three guys and if I lose then I have to have sex with one of them.

Not one guy, but three!

I mean, what type of person does that make me?

Not just that, but I am allowing myself to go on dates with all of them.

Ugh, this is just terrible.

I am terrible.

How did my life get so freaking complicated?

Oh right, the moment Lilo died.

Lilo. Now that I remember her birthday's tomorrow.

That's just fun-fucken-tastic!

I should just go to bed.

Sleeping always seems to make things better.


"Kitten," I hear a voice.

A cat?

I'm dreaming with cats.

"Kitten," I hear the voice again and I open my eyes. As soon as I see the dark figure above me my entire body goes into defense mode. I kick my legs out and throw the stranger across the room.

"Elliana it's me," the voice yells. "It's Vinny."



Oh, that makes sense.

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask getting off my bed.

"I just got home," he explains "and I wanted to ask what is our focus for the research project? "

"You just got home?" I ask looking towards my alarm clock.

1:30 A.M

"Where were you?" I ask shocked.

"What's the focus of our project?" He rolls his eyes.

Why do they refuse to tell me why he's out so late?

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