Epilogue: Goodbye Egotistical Grass asses From This Alien Looking Creature

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Epilogue: Goodbye Egotistical Grass Asses From This Alien Looking Creature 

1 month later

"He won by a landslide," Taylor smiles. "I wrote an entire article about how it's been the biggest win since Hailey Green in 1998."

"I knew he was going to win," I smile.

"He's seriously pissed," Alex chuckles. "He told me he was going to kill you."

"I'm not scared," I roll my eyes.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Bair?" Pipper asks and I shake my head.

So Vincent won student government President! Yay!

He doesn't think it's a good thing, but us being such great friends decided to throw him a surprise congratulations party. We decorated the entire house and we're waiting for Josh to bring him.

"Pipper," I put my arm around his shoulder. "If I actually thought this was a good idea I wouldn't be doing it. The point of doing this is that it's a terrible idea because Vincent will be furious which in my head makes it a good idea. Does that make sense?"

"Sure," he nods.

"Janet's on the phone," Mick says before handing me his cellphone.

"Hey Shortcake," I smile as I put the phone against my ear and I hear her chuckle. "How's LA?"

"It's been good Bair," she says.

Ever since Pipper got released from prison and is being forced to be a part of Janet's program, they've been talking a lot. Janet says she has to keep tabs on him to make sure he's in his best behavior, but I think they've become good friends.

Anyways she started calling me Bair a few weeks into their friendship.

"I'm glad," I say. "Are you calling so that you can hear the results of your magnificent prank?"

"I was actually just checking up on you and Pipper," she laughs. "How's the head injury going?"

It's only been a month since my injury which means no physical activity.

"Fine," I explain. "I haven't had any side effects which is amazing news."

"That's great," she says and I hear a few harsh noises in the background. "I have to go Bair. Take care. "

"You too Shortcake," she hangs up and I hand Mick his cellphone.

"How's Janet doing?" Taylor asks.

"She says she's doing fine," I smile and then we hear three soft knocks coming from behind the door.

That's the clue Josh was suppose to give us before opening the door.

"Everyone hide," I say and they all run to hide behind some kind of furniture. I turn the lights off before hiding behind the couch.

"Vanessa was really trying to talk to me," I hear Josh say. "As if I would ever speak to her."

"She texted me yesterday," Vincent says. "I think she's just lonely."

The lights flicker on and we all stand up.

"Congratulations Mr. President," we all yell and I can see Vincent staring right at me.

"Seriously?" he scoffs.

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