Harry Imagine (Requested)

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Here ya go Mackenzie! I hope you like it! :D

If anyone has a request leave me a comment!


Your on your way to a baby doctors appointment with Harry. You sit in the car nervous as Harry pulls into the parking lot of the doctor office.

"Mackenzie everything's gonna be ok, I'll be right by your side the whole time. I know your nervous, just try to stay calm ok love?", Harry tells you and gives you a kiss.

"Ok I'll try, but I can't make any promises!", you say giving him a grin.

He smiles back, giving you that cheeky grin of his, and rolls his eyes. You both get out of the car, and lacing your hands together walk into the doctors office. You check in and wait for your name to be called. You don't wait long, about 5 minutes later a door opens and a lady with short brown hair appears.

"Mrs. Styles?", she says looking at her clip board.

"That's me!", you say as you and Harry get up and walk over to her.

"I'm Dr.Walker, its nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Styles.", she says shaking both of your hands.

She walks you to a room and you sit down on the doctors chair, and Harry sits in a chair right next to you and holds you hand.

"So how have you been feeling? Have you been tired, aching, or had any nausea?", Dr. Walker asks.

"I actually haven't, and its been making me a bit nervous. Aren't you suppose to feel that way when your pregnant?", you ask squeezing Harry's hand lightly.

"For the most part yes. I'm gonna do a ultrasound to make sure everything is ok in there.". she says pulling out a tube.

"Can you pull up your shirt so I can see your tummy, and then lay back for me?"

"Yep.", You say doing as she asked.

"Now this is gonna be cold so bare with me now.", she starts to rub the gel on your belly, and then starts moving a wand shaped device on your belly.

She looks at a screen as she moves it around your stomach. Her face shows that there's something wrong, and a lump starts to form in your throat knowing what she is about to tell you.

"Mr. and Mrs. Styles, I hate to tell you both this but Mrs. Styles you've had a miscarriage. I'm so sorry.", She looks at you both with sad eyes. "I'll let you be alone for a moment."

She leaves the room, and you burst into tears.

"I knew something was wrong, I just didn't want to believe it. I was so happy. We were so happy, why? Just why!?", you say tears streaming down your face.

You look over at Harry and his eyes are watering, "I don't know, but we can try again. We'll have a baby, and it'll have the most amazing mother in the world!"

He comes over and puts his hands on your cheeks.

"And the most amazing father.", you say wiping away a tear and giving him a small smile.

"Everything's gonna be ok remember? Sure we were happy, but this isn't are only shot. Like I said we can try again, and again and again until we have a baby."

You chuckle at his last sentence, "I love you Harry."

"I love you too Mackenzie.", He says and then gives you a passionate kiss on the lips.






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