The craziest place you've had sex together

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Niall: In the dressing room before a concert. You guys locked the door, so no one came in. But boy was Niall flustered and had messed up hair that performance.

Liam: The tour buss. Lets just say the boys were in there as you did it in Liam's small bunk. They heard everything, and I mean everything.

Harry: In one of those family bathrooms. It something about shopping for new clothes at the mall that just turns the two of you on.

Zayn: In the woods. You went on a hike, and camped out in the middle of no where, and well didn't make it to the tent. Once you guys get started... you just can't stop....

Louis: A closet at a party. You were playing 7 minutes in heaven and took it a bit too far.. oh well.... The people at the party didn't see to much, and you got a room after.

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