The New RoomMate

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Alex's POV

Ugh! That plane ride was such crap! We ran into some major turbulence and almost crashed! It didn't help that they didn't even give me cookies! That was the worst part!

I moved over to New York so that I could get a good education. My mother would want me to do it! She always supported me in everything I did! She was the most kind and caring person alive. But now, she's dead. And my dad....ugh! Stop Alex! This is a new place and a new school! You want to make a good first impression! You don't want to start crying about your past and embarrass yourself! Yet, here I am, talking to myself in a some what empty airport. Guess no one wanted to fly today.

I get that. All the flights were pretty much delayed over the weather. There was a lot of rain outside. There was supposed to be someone who was gonna take me to my dorm and help me out with getting into the routine of school.

I took my suitcase and traveled down the long hallway of the airport. As I get outside, I see a dark skinned man holding an umbrella in one hand and a sign reading "Alexander Hamilton" in the other.

That's me! I yelled. He looked at me and smiled. I suddenly noticed who this figure was.

"Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir?"
"That would be me? I'm assuming your Alexander."
"Here, get in, I'll drive you to your dorm. Lucky for you, you came on a Saturday! No classes to interrupt you and your packing!"

Burr pointed to his car and motioned for me to come into the passenger seat.

I buckled my seat belt and we he started the car. He tried to make small talk with me.

"So, Alex, why'd you come to New York."
"I guess, I just wanted a good education."

I looked up to Burr, but I wasn't gonna tell him my entire past. God, I've only known him for like 5 minutes! It wasn't THAT much of a lie. My mom did want me to get a good education. But that was barely any of the reason I came here.

"Yeah, most people come here for that reason. Anyway, your gonna have a new roommate to hang out with!"

"Oh good! I like being around people! I mean, like, I don't know why, like it depends who the person is. I mean, like I don't know who they are but I'm hoping they are nice. And like, it depends how many people there are you know! Like then, it kinda makes you feel awkward, but I'm not judging them because like I don't know who the guy even is or if he's even a guy...."

"Talk Less, Smile More. No one likes a guy who talks to much."

Who did his guy think he was? Telling me if I'm talking to much. Telling me that people wouldn't like me if I had a lot to say! I decided to take his advice, he's been here for a while, and I didn't know anything. It's the best I'm gonna get at the moment.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the school. I hopped out and got my bags out of the cars trunk. Aaron lead me through the building and up to my dorm room on the second floor. I have to admit, this place was pretty nice. REALLY NICE!! They even had an indoor pool! Those are the best kinds of pools! It doesn't matter what time it is or how cold it is. You can go swimming whenever you want! Wow Burr's right. I do talk a lot. We soon reached my new room. Number 213. Before he opened the door, he gave me a little advice.

"To answer your question, your roommate is a guy. John Lauren's. Now, he likes to invite two of his friends over a lot. Anyway, he's gonna show you around the school and help you with some things."

"Oh, thanks Burr!"

"No prob! I'm right down the hall in case you really need anything! But I'm sure Laurens can handle everything!"

Burr walked away and I put my hand on the door. This reminded me of when I moved into my cousins place. When I opened the door that one day to find that It's gonna be fine. Think happy thoughts.

I opened the door and saw a man sitting on one of two beds. He had his hand in a bag of cookies (the kind they didn't give me at the airport) and was watching something that looks like a documentary about turtles. He had a curly hair that was tied back in a ponytail. He had green eyes and freckles that seemed to cover his whole face. Then I realized, he was looking at me, oh god, was I staring, uh! Great start Alex! You just made your roommate uncomfortable!

He put the cookies down and walked over to me. I could still see some crumbs of the cookie still on his face, but I wasn't gonna tell him.

"Hi! I'm John Laurens, but just call me John."

He held out his hand for me to shake.

"As I've heard, Im Alexander Hamilton, but, my friends call me Alex."

I knew he wanted me to shake his hand, but no! I hugged him! I barely know this guy at all yet I hugged him so hard that he fell to the floor! This is gonna be a long year.

"Whoa! Looks like Burr gave me a hugger! Haha!"

"Yeah, haha." I got off him and helped him up. He walked over to the couch and poured a drink into a cup. It looked like, Apple Cider, MY FAVORITE!!!

He handed me the cup. "Hope you like apple cider!"

"I,I LOVE IT!!! It's been my favorite ever since I was a kid!"

"SAME!! Wow, I really got a great roommate! Cmon, take off your winter gear and sit down, make yourself at home!

I had seen the weather this morning. It was gonna snow a lot tomorrow. It was starting to get really cold so I made sure to bring my winter stuff. I sat down on the bed next to what I assumed was Johns bed.

"I'll help you unpack and stuff tomorrow. For now, let's just relax and get to know each other! You want pizza?"

How was this guy already my best friend?


"Apple Cider and Pizza kind of guy, huh?"

I could hear him softly mumble something to himself before he stood up to go order the pizza. But I couldn't make out exactly what he said.

I laughed and took out my phone for a second. I looked at myself and saw that I had a small blush forming on my face. Hmm, it must've been really cold outside. My cheeks always go red when I'm really cold.

"Wow! Just got here and your already on your phone." I looked up to see John around the corner.

"I was just checking how I look!" I set my phone down on the bedside table.

"Please, you look a.....fine. I got pepperoni pizza. Is that okay?"

"Yeah! Definitely!"

"Ha." John laughed and smiled. He sat down on his bed and turned the TV back on. This guy must really like turtles. The way his eyes lighted up when he saw them walking slowly on the TV definitely showed it.

I decided to just sit down and relax. I had been through a lot today. And, now, I'm kinda looking forward to this year! :)

FLIP THEY ARE SO CUTE MY GOSH!!! Btw I had the idea to write this by Lam_Llamas  Their Lams fanfic is AMAZING!!!

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