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Alex POV

I was walking home with John. He didn't have football so I was able to talk and walk by his side.

It all happened so fast. I barely even remember how it happened. I just remember being pushed onto the ground while I heard a gun shot in the back of my mind.

I quickly panicked. I got up and saw John laying on the ground. He had a bullet right through his chest. Who ever had shot them, they were gone, but I was gonna break every single bone in their body!!!

Alex - John! John listen to me! It's gonna be alright!
John - A....Alex...
Alex - Shhh, I know, I know. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get you help. YOUR GONNA BE OKAY JOHN DO NOT THROW AWAY YOUR SHOT!!!
John - I....may not see our....glory
John - But I will....gladly join....the fight.....and when our...children tell our story
They'll tell the story of.....


Alex - JOHN!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!

His hand was in mine, it fell limp. I shook him. I slapped him. I yelled at him. I cried on him and begged and prayed to God that he would wake up. That he would fall into my arms. That this was all just a dream. None of this was real. That in a few minutes I would wake up a nc he would be right there beside me. I would tell him this and we would laugh about it. But there was nothing to laugh about, because this was real. I had tried everything. Nothing worked he wasn't waking up.

Alex - John....

I started to cry. Why is it that every person I care for has to die??!!!
It wasn't fair. I stroked a piece of Johns curly hair. His air would bounce up and down whenever he was happy and excited. I whispered softly to him. I didn't care if he didn't hear me. I just needed to get this out, or else, I could never be satisfied.

Alex - ooooohhhh I do I do I do I do. Boy you got me helpless. Look into your eyes and the, sky's the limit.  I am so into you, I'm helpless.

John was taken to the hospital. Everyone tried to comfort me. They all tried to make me feel better. But nothing could. He was gone. I stayed home from school every day. I played with Lil Alexander. Johns turtle that I'd given him. I looked at pictures of John. I remembered the memories we've had. The ice skating, the birthday party, that first day I met him. The first time I saw those beautiful freckles and eyes. The first time that I thought I was falling for John. The time I realised, I HAD fallen for John. All I could do was cry.

One day, I got a knock on my door, I didn't say anything, but Eliza came right in. Company was the last thing I needed right now. I just wanted to think how John is probably on the other side with my mother. Is my dad there? No, he sin hell.

Eliza - Hey Alexander.
Alex - What do you want.
Eliza - It's just...I think there's something you wanna see.
Eliza - Come with me, I can show you something better.
Alex - No! There can never be anything better.
Eliza - Please. Just this once. Then you can come back here and cry your heart out.

She tried to act like she knew what this felt like. She had both of her parents. She wasn't the one who had feelings for John.

Alex - *sigh* Fine.
Eliza - Good. Let's go!

I felt a blindfold being put over my face. I yelled and I felt myself being shoved into something and we started moving. I think I was in her car. I wanted to just stare out the window. She didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. There was really nothing to say, or anything that we would want or need to say. She got me out a few minutes later and led me through many hallways and stairs. I heard her yell to....Angelica? What was she doing here.

Eliza pushed me into a room. I could feel the presence of other people around me. I didn't know where I was, but wherever I was, it was a pretty big place.

Alex - Please don't tell me you through a sad party. I don't need fun. I just wanna be alone.
Eliza - You won't want to be when I take your blindfold off.
Alex - I won't.
Eliza - You will.
Alex - Fine, then take it off.

She took my blindfold off and I saw I was in.....a hospital. Nothing else mattered until I saw what was right in front of me. John was sat in hospital clothes on a bed. HE WAS ALIVE!!!

Alex - JOHN!!!!

I ran over and knelt to his side. His eyes were full of happiness. I could see small tears forming in his eyes. I put my arm around him and he,d his hand with my lose one.

John - Alex....I howled my head up high.
Alex - I know John. You....I....
Angelica - we'll give you guys some time alone.
Angelica and Eliza left the room. It was just John and I now.

John - What did you need *cough* to tell me Alex?

God he looked so helpless and innocent there.

Alex - Laurens, I like you a lot.

I couldn't resist it. I pulled Johns head and kissed him. This was the third time. And yet, I was always the one giving the kiss.

I pulled away and looked at John. He put his head in his hands and started crying. NO! Did I do something? Oh no. He doesn't like me, doesn't he.

Alex - John! I'm...I'm so sorry. I'll just go and....
John - NO ALEX WAIT!!!

John grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

John - I told you that your the closest friend I've got, but, I, I wanna be more than friends.
Alex - What.....
John - I'm sorry.
Alex - Sshhh John. It's okay. I feel the same.
John - Really?
Alex - Yeah.
John - Well, Im gonna need someone to spend the night with....

He held his arms out towards me.

Alex - Fine, I'll stay with you.
John - Yay!

I sat with John and snuggled up to him. Angelica and Eliza left and said goodbye. The nurses and doctors let me stay. I remember laying there in the dark. I looked down and saw a sleeping John sound asleep on my stomach. I guess they'll be more days of missing school. But I get to spend them with John, and that's all the matters.

Before I fell asleep, one thought crossed my mind.

This boy is going to be mine. No matter what it takes.

I'll do it all for John.

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