Birthday Scavenger Hunt

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Okie were gonna pass a few weeks to Johns bday

Alex POV

CALM DOWN ALEXANDER!! It's Johns birthday in a few days and I have to get EVERYTHING PERFECT!!! John deserves the best and I'm not gonna stop till I give it to him. I'm sitting in my living room, trying to think of something special to give John for his birthday.

"Bonjour mon amie!"

Alex - Hey Laf.

Laf walked into my dorm and sat on my couch next to the chair I was in.

Laf - Let me guess, you're trying to figure out what to do for Johns birthday.
Alex - Yes, Laf, I wanna give John the best birthday ever!!
Laf - Well, it is December, you could maybe do something to involve the snow.
Alex - Like what?
Laf - I don't know. Ice skating? A scavenger hunt?

I ran out the door. This was gonna be the best birthday anyone could ever have. I couldn't even bother getting my winter stuff on. My happiness and energy gave me enough warmth to last me the short run. I finally arrived at the pet store. I looked in and sure enough I saw Peggy sitting at the counter. I walked in and she immediately knew what I was here for.

Peggy - I'll go get the turtle!!
Alex - Oh, um, okay!
Peggy - Johns gonna be so happy when you give him the turtle. You gave any ideas for what your gonna do for his birthday?
Alex - Umm, well I was thinking about taking him on a scavenger hunt to all the places that we've been together!
Peggy - Man, you guys are couple goals!
Alex - Were not dating!
Peggy - You should be!
Alex - Anyway, I was wondering if you would want to be a part of the hunt?
Peggy - OF COARSE I DO!!!!!
Alex - YAY!!!

I paid for the turtle (Peggy gave me a bargain) and headed out the door. I spent the next few days until Johns birthday setting up the scavenger hunt and getting everyone involved in it. At least, everyone we like. Soon enough, it was time to set this plan into action!

John POV

ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! YAY!!! IM SO EXCITED OT SEE WHAT ALEX GOT ME!! I ran downstairs to see him sitting on the couch with his laptop.

John - Hey Alex....
Alex - Oh hi.
John - That's all, no happy birthday.
Alex - Why? Last time I checked it wasn't anyone's birthday.
John - Are you joking?
Alex - What?!

Alex POV

I could see small tears forming in Johns eyes. No No! John! Don't cry! Craft He...he's crying on his will all be worth it Alex. Just....keep going on with matter how much it hurts both of us.

John POV

Alex - Are you crying?

Well I had a reason to! My best friend forgot about my birthday. I feel betrayed! I wanted so bad to shout at him, slap him. But I couldn't. Instead, I just wiped my tears.

John - No.
Alex - K, can you go get a few things at the grocery store?

I shut the door in all my anger. I didn't regret what I said now, but I'm sure I would later.

I picked up the list that Alex had left and got in. I drove to the grocery store where Angelica was sat at the counter by the door. I didn't know she worked here. As soon as she saw me walk in, she ran up and hugged me and gave me a giant cake with a note on it. The cake had the words "Happy Birthday John" on it and had a small frosting made version of me on the side.

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