Truth or Dare

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Snow day = Fanfic day LETS GO!

Lauren's POV

Wow, Eliza is really looking at Alex. I mean, it's not like I, jealous or anything. It's just umm, I don't want him to feel uncomfortable around them you know!

John - Umm Eliza
Eliza - What? OH! Yeah yeah, come right in guys!
Alex - Thanks!

I'm gonna have to flak about this to Eliza. No, what am I saying! I don't want to loose him and he's not even mine! IS THIS WHAT INSANITY FEELS LIKE?!! No! JOHN!! YOUR NOT GOING TO LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN??!! "I'm not gonna let this boy get in the way!!"

Alex - What?

Oh, I said that out loud.

John - Oh! Haha! Sorry! I just...just....forgot a lyric to this song and it was driving me crazy, but I finally remembered haha!
Alex - Oh yeah! I know what that feels like! I'll have to listen to the song sometime!
John - Uh yah! It's really good!

What did I just get myself into.

Angelica POV

"Oh! John and his friend must be here."
I got off the couch in our downstairs lounge and went to the door to say hi.

Oh god this boy is cute!
John didn't mention this.

I look over at Eliza and see her looking helpless at Johns friend from the corner.

I held out my hand.
"My name is Angelica Schuyler."
"Alexander Hamilton."
"Where's your family from?"

He paused. Oh no! Did I do something wrong?! Oh god!

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...."

"No, it's fine. It's depressing anyway."

Is it weird that I already have feelings for this boy? But, Eliza. Oh how helpless she looks. Maybe, no, yes....oh. I don't know what to do. Ugh! I will never be satisfied!

Lauren's POV

Wow. This was weird. I hadn't even introduced Alex yet, and the girls were already heart eyes *cough* Howell *cough* on him. It didn't help that Maria had come in the door and started sexually talking to him. Dang, they really shouldn't have invited Maria.

I go into the kitchen where Peggy was at the doorway. Looking at what was happening in the living room

John - Please don't tell me you like Alex to?
Peggy - No, I just like watching all the drama. Plus you know I'
John - Yeah, it just annoys me!
Peggy - That my sisters all over him. WAIT....DOES JOHNNY HAVE A CRUSH???!!!
John - Sshh!! They are right out there!
Peggy - Oh yeah,sorry. You guys would be so cute together!
John - I don't even know if he likes guys!
Peggy - Well your never gonna know if ya don't ask him huh?!
John - What?! I can't just ask him that!
Peggy - You ask him by the end of the night, I'll give you ten dollars.
John - Why are you giving me money for me to hook up with some guy I barely know.
Peggy - Shipping Jonathan, that's why.

Time skip to interesting part!

We were all seated on the couch. Alex was on the squished between Angelica and Eliza. That's it. Ive gotta make a move. I started playing with my fingers. Peggy knew what I was thinking. I guess she could see what I was trying to do.

Peggy - Hey guys! Let's play truth or dare!
Laf - Great idea mon amie!
Peggy - I'll start, I dare Eliza and John to switch places.
Eliza - Why?
Peggy - JUST DO IT!!!!!!!
Eliza - Okay!

The game went on with Herc having to toilet paper their teacher, Mr. Washingtons, house. Laf having to prank call Jefferson why noodles were not a fruit. Angelica having to dump a whole bottle of ketchup in her mouth. Eliza having to sing a new song called "Burn" from the new musical, Miranda. And many other dares and truths. Then, came the last dare. And it was all up to Peggy.
Peggy - Okay guys, I'm assuming you all know the rules for the last dare. No one can say no to the dare!
Maria - As long as I'm not part of it, I won't say no to it!
Peggy - Don't worry, you aren't. This one involves Hamilton and Lauren's.

I could see Alex turn his head to Peggy, hearing his name. He was still seated next to me.

Peggy - I dare you guys to...kiss.
John - WHAT??!! In front of everyone?
Peggy - Why not! ;)

I looked up to see Maria, Eliza, and Angelia on the edge of their seats. Just waiting it see what I'd do.

I was just staring forward till I felt hands on my cheeks. My head was turned towards Alex and before I can even get a grip on what's anything, I can feel Alex's lips against mine. Oh my god. This felt better than anything I've ever done. This was right. I could feel it. Alex was the one. I don't care about what I've done, this is real.

I kissed back. Alex seemed surprised by this. Aw crap! Have I made him uncomfortable?! But no, he didn't pull back. It felt like we were kissing for 20 centuries, but it was probably only 20 seconds.

Alex pulled back and smiled. Oh those eyes. I looked to my side and saw Angelica, Maria, and Eliza with wide open mouths and eyes. I looked it the other side where Laf, Herc, and Peggy were cheering and running around.

I laughed and said that it was probably time that Alex and I head back since we had classes tomorrow.

Alex got into his little winter clothes and so did I. We said goodbye to everyone and we headed out the door. We had gotten a lot of snow while we were in there, a lot of ice in the side walk. We walked slowly across, trying not to slip. We had this awkward silence in between us. I mean, we had just kissed. But he probably only did it for the dare.

Suddenly, Alex screamed and flew up into the air. He had slipped. The ice was hard. I wasn't gonna let him get hurt. I flew under him and caught him in my arms.

He giggled and looked at me. Oh those eyes.

Alex - Cmon idiot, let's get back to the dorm.
John - Awww but I wanna stay like this.
Alex - What?
John - Oh nothing!

As I fell into my bed. The lights being turned out. All I could think about was Alex. He was in the bed right next to me. I could go up to him and tell him how I feel, but no, because I'm a shy idiot. Why did this boy do this to me, he's making me feel so


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