Chapter 18

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*Harry's POV*

       "Do you figure we should tell Simon and Addie?" Ryder asks me, playing with my fingers. We had changed into dry clothes, (me borrowing some of her sweatpants and a T-Shirt she bought to big on purpose,) and came inside to actually watch a movie. We were watching 'Be Somebody' a show about a teenage singer. I wasn't to interested, staring at the beautiful girl in my arms, her head on my chest and her body between my legs.

       "I don't think so. They might make us stop the contract and a bunch of other stuff," I tell her, watching as she twirls out fingers around a bit. It reminds me of the first date we went on and she was asking about me and started to play with my fingers. That was the first time I had smiled a real smile around her.

       "But would they? Like, if they knew we were happy?" she asks, looking up at me. I shrugged.

       "Well, I don't think it'd be them specifically to split us up. I think it'd be my management in total. And maybe yours as well. I don't know them personally, so I'm not sure on that one.," I said. She nodded her head and rested it back against my chest.

       "We'll have to eventually," she whispers. I sighed and nodded, pressing a kiss to the back of her head.

       "I know, but for now, lets just live with how we are right now. Happy." She nodded again.

       "How long have we been under the contract?" she asked. I thought about it for  while.

       "I think about five or six months, right? That sounds right." She sighed.

       "The contract ends after a year. So, next March. It's already September, so you are right, its been six months. Then the contract is going to fall through and the management is going to come up with some way for us to publicly break up, which means then the press will be following us, meaning that we can't get away with seeing each other behind our managements backs and-" she rambled. I groaned and leaned forward, connecting my lips with hers, shutting her up instantly. She finally relaxed a bit and smiled into the kiss, making me smile as well as we pulled back.

       "We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Relax. Like I said, lets live how we are now. Happy."

*1 Hour Later*

       "Harry?" Ryders small voice said I looked down at her, curled up in my arms as we finished the movie.


       "Will you tell me more about Jessica?"

       I felt my breath hitch in my throat just a bit. I looked down at her, confusion probably evident on my face. "Why do you want to know about her?" I ask.

       "Well, she's part of your story, and your story is what makes you who you are. I just am curious to know more about you," she shrugs. I smile softly and nod, grabbing the remote and muting the TV.

       "What do you want to know?" I ask her. She just shrugs.

       "As much as you care to share with me."

       I take a deep breath before starting. "Well...Jessica was different from any other girl I had met at the time. She wasn't throwing herself at my feet because of my fame like other girls had been, she didn't have the perfect family or perfect boyfriend, and she was always working. Her father had left their family at a young age, so she found a job the minute she turned fourteen. She worked in a small diner down in my home town. The lads and I went down to visit my family when we first met her. Of course, I had seen her around, she was living in my home town, but I had never spoken to her. She was seventeen like I was when we had our first conversation. And of course, me being the idiot I was, left our first ever conversation starter as: 'is that hotsauce on your shirt?' Luckily, she laughed quite a bit, explaining it actually was.

       "I found her personality charming, to say the least. Most girls would have blown up at me, but she hadn't. When she figured out we were One Direction, she didn't care. To her, I was just another boy who she would be in the same class in at school. She never saw me as 'Harry Styles,' she just saw me as 'Harry,' and I liked it. It's kind of like how you see me," I smiled down at Ryder. She chuckled and laid her head in the crook of my neck.

      "The lads convinced me to ask her out, and luckily she said yes. I was ecstatic. I took her on a picnic on a little hill pretty far from town, that way paparazzi wouldn't follow us. We sat under the stars for hours, just talking. I had really liked her. We went out on a few dates after that, everytime I wasn't do promotion or touring with the boys, we were together. Naturally, the paps took pictures and crap, but she didn't care, saying she was just happy she had me.

       "It was Christmas break for the lads and I when she was diagnosed. We were all down at my place for one day after seeing the other families before we were gonna go to our own houses. We were just talking, when all of the sudden she passed out. I think you know the rest," I sniffed, wiping the tears that were going down my face as quickly as possible. "I wrote 'Moments' for her, and the lads and I sang it at her funeral. I was, of course, in pieces, but I wanted to do it for her."

       "Do you have a picture of her?" Ryder quietly asked, rubbing her hand up and down my chest soothingly. I nodded and sniffled, pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my pictures before finally finding one of her. (PIC UP TOP)

       "She's beautiful," Ryder mumbled. I nodded in agreement, looking at Ryders face as she studies the picture.

       "You both are," she looked up at me. I smiled as did she. "She would've loved to meet you."

       And I sealed my lips with hers.

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