Chapter 4

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I tried sleeping, but I couldn't take my mind off Louis. I hurt his feelings and I ruin his day. It's just like how Steven treated me.

I get out of bedand put some jeans on and a t-shirt over my tank top.

I text Allison and ask where Louis and Harry spent the night. Apperently, they lived in a house on Mockingbird Road.

Slowly, I walked downstairs and wrote a note to Katlyn in case she woke up. I grabbe my keys and drove off to Mockingbird Road.

I ran the doorbell at Louis and Harry's house. Hopefully they would answer.

Harry answered the door and smiled when he saw me.

"Rach!" he whispered and stepped out onto porch.

"Hey Harry. Sorry to come this late."

"No problem. Louis couldn't sleep anyway."

"Oh my gosh, I've ruined him."

"Yeah you kinda have." he says and I hit him on the shoulder.

"How do I fix this?"

"You know." he says and winks.

"But I can't. I can't ruinmy sister's life anymore, and I told everyone I didn't plan on going out with Louis for awhile or at all."

"You broke a celebritie's heart Rachel...."

"Oh don't give me that crap now."

"Whatever. Just come in." he says and holds the door open for me.

The whole house was new. The living room had a huge flat screen, video games, really soft looking couches, and great pictures of Harry and the guys all over.


"Thanks." Harry says "Wait here for sec." 

He walks into the kitchen and I hear a slap or whack. Then Harry comes back in with Louis behind him.

"Hey Rach. Let's sit down." he says and walks over to the couch. I sit next to him and Harry goes upstairs.

"Im so sorry about what happened earlier. I feel like a hypocrite when I said I didn't want my heart broken, buy I turned around and broke yours. I'm really sorry."

"Its fine."

"No it's not."

"Trust me it is."

"No it isn't Loui-" he cuts me off and kisses me softly.

"Drop it Rach. It's fine."

I smile. "Okay."

He smiles too and I relax and lean back on the couch.

"Sorry." he said.

"Nah it's fine."


"Well, I guess it's kind of awkward right now. I'm still getting used to being close to a guy again."

"I know. Sorry."

"I thought we were past this."

"Yeah, okay changing subjects."

"Ok, how are Harry and Allison?"

"Oh man, Harry is falling head over heels for her. He wants to ask her out, but he's nervous."

"He shouldn't be." I say

"Well, he's going to eventually."

"Good. Allison will be so happy you have no idea."


"Well, thanks for letting me talk to you. I should probably go back home." I say and get up.

Louis stands up too. "Thanks for coming."

"Yeah. It was bugging the crap out of me."

He hugs me and I put my arms around him too.

"Bye Louis."

"Bye Rachel." he says and opens the door for me.

I walk out silently and turn around to wave to him.

*    *    *       *                 *

I woke up the next morning totally confused by what happened last night. Louis Tomlinson kissed me again. The confusion was almost overwhelming.

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