Chapter 12

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"Louis, we need to find her."

"I know. We can start at the police station in downtown London."

"Ok. Let's go."

The long and agonizing drive into downtown London felt like hours. The bright, glorious evening had now turned into a rainy stormy night. Thunder rumbled and I jumped whenever I heard a big clap. Lightning lit up the whole sky and the wind picked up too.

"How much longer?"

"Maybe a minute or so." he said keeping his eyes steady on the road.I sighed and continued to look out of my window now having raindrops fly to the back of the car.

The car pulled to a slow stopped and we turned intoa parking lot. A small glow came from inside the small building which was all I could see until we walked inside.

"Hello?" Louis called as I held onto his arm.

"Back here." A voice called from the back of the room.

We walked back there hesitantly. "Hi." Louis said.

"How can I help you all?"

"I was wondering if I could get some information about Rachel's sister."


"Yeah. Sometime recently, the police took her sister to a foster home."

"OhKatlyn. I don't know if I can give you that information."

"Please." I whispered. "I need to know where she is. She's my sister."

"All I can tell you isthat she was at an orphanage called Old Stone. It's just a couple miles down Main Street."

"Thank you so much." Louis says and shakes his hand and we walk out.

"Thank you God." I say and Louis opens the door for me.

We drive onto Main Street and continue driving until we reach the orphanage. I open mydoor and run for the door. The warm and brightly lighted room made my first impression good.

"Hello?" I say looking into the empty rooms.

"What are you doing?" A cold voice says from behind me. I turn aroud and face a tall, skinny woman in her 30s.

"I need some help."


"I need to know what happened to my sister."

She walked back into her office and I follow her.


"Katlyn Collins."

She searched through all the papers she had of all the kids names until she lifted out a folder.

"What do you want to know?"

"Where she is."

"Well, a family came and adopted her yesterday."

"No. Where?"

"They live in the US. New York. Albany."

Those three words hit me like bricks. I used to live in Albany. And I was as sure as hell I didn't want to go back.

"Who adopted her?" I whisper.

"The Peterson family. Three kids. Stephen who is your age-"

"No. No. No."

"Is there a problem?"

"Um no. CanI get an address?"


Louis bursts in the room, hugging ne from behind. I give him a small smile.

"Here you go." The woman says handing me a slip of paper.

"Thank you so much."

We walked out of the room and to the front doors.

"Where is she?"

"My hometown. Albany, New York."

"Great! So youknow your way around?"

"That's not the issue."

"It wouldn't be anyway."

"She's living with Stephen's family." I snarl.


"Do you think I want togo see that jerk again?"

"No. But I'm still pretty amazed you forgave her so fast."

"I wouldn't say I forgive her quite yet."

We walk back out to thecar and cruise through the city. I close my eyes and fall asleep to the thunder and lightning outside.

"Rachel, we need to go." Louis whispers in my ear.


"If we have to go find Katlyn, we need to pack. Our flight is in 3 hours."

"I wanna sleep more."

"No comon Rach."I slightly opened my eyes. Louis hair was a mess in an adorable way, not wearing a shirt which was totally fine with me.

"Hello handsome." I say and smirk.

"Good morning beautiful."

I smile. I was sleeping in the same clothes I was wearing yesterday. Thank god Louis didn't change me. The thought scared me and creeped me out.

"I need to pack." I say and sit up.


My room felt different. Maybe having Louis here, or just something else.

"Howlong are we gonna be gone?"

"Maybe 2 days."

"Okay." I get out of bed and go into my closet and throw out 3 pairs of shorts, 3 t-shirts, underwear, make-up, straightener, shampoo, conditioner, brush, and all my other stuff I'll need.

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