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To everyone, thank you so much. I couldn't have done it without you. So, here are a few peole I would like to thank.

Alexa: You helped me a lot with ideas for some of the chapters. And whenever we had sleepovers, we'd be up until I posted. I love you.

Ari: You were always on my case about posting. Well, It's over now, so I finished! Love yaa :)

Allison: You supported me the whole way, saying how much the chapters made you emotionally messed up, and how much you loved the story. I love you Waz.

Molly: Thanks for staying involved, and always asking questions. The big secret has been revealed.

And finally Louis.

Louis: You were my inspiration for this whole story. I love you so much. 

And to my wonderful Fans: Thank you so much for keeping up with the story, being so positive and motivating me more than anyone, to post and pursue my writing dream.  I honestly couldn't have done this without you.


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