Chapter 21

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 A few thoughts have crossed my mind in the last couple days. What if Harry and Allison never got back together? If Allison met someone else, would they end up together and raise Harry's kid? Honestly, that disturbed me. Not only because Harry didn't really care, but he just so happened to be going out with Josie. Not to judge her as a person, but I didn't really like her right now. Harry and Allison needed to be together. I couldn't live with myself if Harry didn't even help raise his child. I heard somewhere, that kids who don't have a father, usually end up in jail or something. And I wasn't just going to sit by and watch it happen.

I sat up in my bed, and pulled my hair up into a messy bun and went downstairs. Since I finally came home after staying with the boys for awhile, it was lonely. But it felt good in a way, even though I missed everyone.

Grabbing my iTouch and my speakers, I plugged them in and played music, but not as loudly as Katlyn would.


What has she been up to? I hope she was okay. Of course she was okay. I hoped anyway.

I scrolled through my playlist, a whole bunch of artists I haven't listened to forever. The Fray caught my eye, reminding me instantly of Louis. I only had what? Two songs by them? Lou must've had their whole album. I missed him, but even though I knew he was only 10 minutes away, it felt like 10,000 miles. God I missed him.Wait, I was overreacting. What was going to happen when he really left? And I couldn't visit him? The thought drilled through my skull, just adding to the pain.

If I don't say this now I will surely break
As I'm leaving the one I want to take
Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait
My heart has started to separate

I hummed along, while getting my cereal. I tasted it, and spit it out after chewing it. Stale as heck.

"Seriously?" I mumbled, going through the cupboards finding another box. To my amazment, some Cinnamon Toast Crunch was there, unopened.

"Thank you God."

I poured it into a bowl, and went to the fridge to get some milk. I had some, new stuff actually.


A note was attached to the side.

Here you go :)

-BooBear :)

Wow. This boy never ceased to amaze me.

I ate my breakfast listening to a mix of The Fray, Kelly Clarkson, and Taylor Swift. I wasn't much of a country, rock, or rap person.

Then I ran back upstairs, took a shower and got ready for the day. It felt different because I didn't have to share a bathroom.

I was bored for the majority of the day, watching TV, Facebooking, Tweeting, and other stuff that kept my somewhat occupied.

My phone rang, singing Louis' version of Look After You. It almost brought tears to my eyes, knowing how much I missed him. I answered it after listening to it for 20 seconds.


"Hey Rachel, it's Harry."

I sighed. "Hi."

"Are you mad?"

"Well, I'm not exactly happy with how you handeled this situation."

"Well I'm sorry! I can't just dump Josie!"

"Um I think you can!"

"Who said I wanted to?" he asks angrily.

"And who said Allison wanted to raise you kid?"

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