Stannis Baratheon X Reader - Long Goodbyes

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A/N - This is an imagine based on the Leona Lewis version of the song 'Run'. Ready yourselves, it's going to be an emotional one. I hope you all enjoy it.

You were standing as close to Stannis as you could get, your hands on the shoulders of your daughter, Shireen. You were uneasy thinking of her travelling back to Winterfell with her betrothed. The idea of her travelling anywhere without you. Bran seemed like a sweet natured boy. But you had thought the same of many other young lords and they had turned out to be much more morally twisted. You wanted to go with her. It was the only way to protect her from any harm that could be done to her outside of the walls of your home. But it was impossible.

It had been hidden well from all but the maester and your husband but you had been sick for a long time. Travelling wouldn't be good for your dwindling health. You'd had to force yourself to accept that the next time Shireen saw you, you would likely be being laid to rest.

"Promise me you'll behave yourself," you started, turning her to face you with a smile. The bags under your eyes were enough to cause her to frown up at you.

"You don't look well, Mother. Are you sure we can't stay a while longer?" she uttered, her brow furrowed as she took your hand in hers and gave it a light squeeze. You fought back the urge to burst into tears. Shireen was the sweetest child you had ever met. You'd often told Stannis that she was your crowning achievement; a perfect creation.

"You didn't promise me, Shireen," you scolded her, leaning forward to press a kiss to her temple. As you pulled away, you gave her a more convincing smile. "I'll be fine, My Sweet. I'm just tired from keeping company," you lied. You wanted to wince as the words flowed out of your lips and into her ears.

"Ned," Stannis announced, moving away from you and towards his old friend. "Keep her safe for us, won't you," he continued, receiving a nod as you cupped your daughters face in your palms.

"Remember that I'm only a letter away, Sweetling. I'll be with you no matter what," you murmured before pulling Shireen into a tight hug.

"I love you," she whimpered, holding back the tears that wanted to fall from both of you.

"I love you more," you answered, taking a deep breath from her hair before releasing her.

You watched as Shireen was helped onto her horse, sandwiched between Ned and his son. She didn't look as scared as you had expected. You were waiting for the tears that never fell. In that moment you were more proud of her than you could put into words. When you had travelled to meet Stannis for the first time you had been terrified. You'd cried almost the whole journey from your home to his. She was stronger than you had been, Stannis had made sure of it.

As the group rode away from you, you felt the tears begin to brim in your eyes and within seconds Stannis was at your side. "She'll be alright. Ned won't let anything happen to her," he told you. With that he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him.

"I'll never see her again," you responded. Your words were barely above a whisper as you bit back the sobs that attempted to escape your chest.

"Don't speak like that," Stannis hummed. His arm around you steered you towards the entrance to your home. "You don't know yet," he added, your feet shuffling along as you continued to fight your own tears.

"It hurts," you answered him as he pushed the door open for you. His grip loosened, allowing you to make your own way over to your bed.

"I know, My Love." Stannis busied himself around your bedchambers as you lowered yourself onto the mattress. A groan escaped your lips as you attempted to settle, a pain shooting through your stomach. "Try and get some sleep," he added as he came closer, pulling the blankets back for you to get comfortable. 
"Thank you," you muttered to him as you settled, your hand resting where the pain had been in your stomach.

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now