Sandor Clegane X Reader - Lover, Please Stay

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Lover, Please Stay' by Nothing But Thieves. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had grown so used to your evening routine, that you knew the exact moment that you had to reach your door to pull it open before Sandor could knock. The first time you had done it was the first time you'd seen him look even remotely shocked, but by now, even that little surprise had become predictable. 

Sandor would visit your chambers, and first you would share a drink; whatever wine you had lingering around. Soon enough, he would have finished his glass, and then he would be on you. Needy kisses and grabby hands and breathless words. He would carry you to bed and you would share in one another's pleasure for a while. Once he was done, he would only stay put for long enough to catch his breath again, and then he would be donning his trousers and giving you a chaste kiss before disappearing back to the rest of his life.

You couldn't lie, even though you knew your routine, your heart still ached whenever he would shift out of your bed. You would sit there, frowning to yourself as he redressed, and then he would look over at you and you would force your smile back onto your lips. Hungrily accepting his kiss in the hopes that he may change his mind and crawl back into your bed. It never happened. 

Perhaps, you would wonder as you lounged on your bed, once he was gone and the room had grown cold and dark, you had never been clear enough in how you felt about him. Perhaps, Sandor was under the impression that all you wanted was sex. Or perhaps, he knew exactly what you wanted, but didn't want to give it to you. 

Gods, you didn't want to consider it. The thought of him being incapable of holding love for you left you uncomfortable, breathing coming less easily. No, you would never be able to handle it if Sandor were to claim he didn't love you. 

That night, you wondered whether you were being far too easy on him. After all, you had allowed him to bed you without ever asking for more from him. In fact, you had been the one that had lured him into your chambers and encouraged him to take you. And now, you were the one wishing you could ask for more. Where on earth had that confident woman gone? Where was the seductress that had first drawn him to you? How had he managed to tame you so thoroughly without having ever committed to you in the slightest?

It was then that you had made the first commitment to yourself. You would not allow him to bed you again, or at least, you wouldn't allow him to bed you until you had spoken with him about your relationship, or lack thereof. 

*Time Skip*

Sandor was rather shocked when the door to your chambers didn't open on schedule, as it usually did. It had always been a real treat for him, watching as it would swing open and reveal your beautiful smiling face, looking back at him. But now, he had to knock and wait, and when you pulled the door open, your smile was half-hearted. 

For a moment, his stomach dropped to his feet. Something was wrong, clearly, and yet, how would he ask you what it was without overstepping a boundary. You never spoke of emotions with him, and he had come to expect no more conversation past the basic chatter of the weather, and court, and tiny little tidbits of gossip. 

In all honesty, Sandor would have listened to you speak about anything. The way your voice held him, drawing him in and keeping him locked in place. You could be telling the most boring story in the world for the fourth time and he would still hang on your every word. 

"Are you coming inside?" The words were soft, as usual, but there was no excitement, none of the charm that would normally loop through them. 

Sandor nodded, quickly stepping into your chambers and hurrying over to the table where you would usually keep the wine, seeing the surface empty. The routine was gone, and now he felt sick. He had known that someday you would realise that you deserved better, but somehow he still felt a little lost, even after all this time. 

He looked a little shocked when he looked at you, maybe even scared, though you had never known such an expression to be possible from him. 

"I need to speak with you," you told him, gesturing for him to take a seat around the table. He did as he was told, perching haphazardly on the edge of his chair. "I want you to know that I've really enjoyed the time we've spent together so far," you started again, taking a step towards him before coming up short, mouth flapping open as you attempted to find the next words. You'd been planning this for days now, running through the entirety of your speech again and again, and yet it had already disappeared from your mind, replaced by a muddled mess of confusion.


You nodded slightly, taking a seat across from him. "But," you repeated softly, pausing as you placed your hands into your lap, "I am so miserable, every night, when you leave me." 

Sandor's brow furrowed, his nose crinkling as he watched you in confusion. "What d'ya' mean?"

"I want you to stay with me," you murmured, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. "When you just fuck me and leave I feel like-" you paused, shaking your head. "I need you to love me, or I can't do this anymore."

The room was silent for a moment, and then Sandor cleared his throat. "Y/N-"

"You don't have to soften the blow," you interrupted softly, "you can just be honest." 

He paused again, giving you a stern look that told you not to interrupt again. "Y/N, I do love ya'. I just thought ya' wouldn't want me to sleep here."

You let out a choked laugh, your mouth hanging open as you stared at him. "Why wouldn't I want to sleep beside you?" Sandor shrugged slightly, unable to put his thoughts into words. "I would love nothing more than for you to stay with me at night; for you to hold me." 

He nodded, reaching his hand out to you and watching as your smile came back, full force. You were touching him in an instant, hands holding his face in place as you kissed him, legs brushing against his as you came to stand between his knees, his hands lingering on your hips. "I love you," he grumbled as you pulled away from the kiss, both of you desperate for air. 

"Then stay," you uttered, fingers lingering on his jawline as you smiled down at him. 

He snorted slightly, pulling you down to rest in his lap. "You're never getting rid of me."

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