Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Reader - The Phoenix

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A/N- This imagine was requested by youngforeveeer. It is based on the song The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. I hope you all like it.

You had always hated the way Viserys had treated Dany. He was a bully. No, that word wasn't quite strong enough to describe him properly. He was an oppressor; a tormentor; a tyrant. Yes, Tyrant fit him much better. It was torture to watch him intimidate her so easily, unable to do or say much to intervene out of fear of 'waking the dragon'. It wasn't exactly that you were scared of him, no, Viserys was virtually harmless where you were concerned. The moment he would lay hands on you would be the moment he lost any chance at taking back his crown. Your father was his only ally and Viserys knew better than to risk losing his support. But the idea of what he would do to Dany, with little to no protection from anyone else, it was enough to make you sick.

It wasn't long before Viserys and your father had begun to discuss marriages. Of course, the prince would never be expected to secure his allies in such a way, that was his sister's job. The evening that they had suggested approaching the Dothraki you had been livid.

"They are savages," you had growled through your teeth, startling the two men out of their discussion. "You cannot marry a princess to a savage," you added, your voice softening ever so slightly as you continued to stare at them, "they'll eat her alive."

"They are our best option," your father had begun, pausing when Viserys had gotten to his feet, pacing towards you to stare down at you.

"I am to be your King," he hummed, reaching down and gripping your chin in his fingers, "you will learn your place or I will be forced to teach you."

You nodded your understanding, biting your tongue to hold in the insults that you so wished to throw at him. "Of course, your Grace," you told him, standing and looking him dead in the eye, your face set in a stony glare, "May I be excused?"

*Time Skip*

"Do you like your brother?" Dany froze, her eyes locked onto yours. "I mean, I'm sure you love him very much, after all, he is your family. But do you like him?"

"You shouldn't ask me that." She had finally begun to move, coming to sit opposite you, reaching out to take her teacup in her hand.

You hummed, giving her a short nod. "So, that means no?" Dany released a rough sigh as you smiled across the table at her. "He is too impulsive," you answered for her, "and power hungry," you continued, pausing for a moment as you tapped your nails against the arm of your chair, "and cruel. He will not be a good King."

"Y/N," she started, "you shouldn't..." her words fell away when she saw your smile.

"You, on the other hand-" you shifted in your seat, grinning at her, "-you would make a wonderful Queen." Dany was uncomfortable, that much you could tell from the way she sat, her hands tucked into her lap as though she feared they would give her away. "You are kind, and fair, and beautiful," you shrugged when her eyes finally met yours again, "but you are too soft. We'll have to work on that."

"Viserys is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne."

"That didn't stop your ancestors when they took it for their own, did it?"

Dany looked a little lost, and finally, she shrugged. "He won't like it."

"I doubt he will," you told her softly, "but I'm not sure I care what he likes."

*Time Skip*

You could hardly hold back your smile as you stood amongst the Dothraki, watching as Khal Drogo allowed the molten gold to fall over Viserys' head. You shifted, situating yourself as close to Dany as you could get and taking her hand tightly in your own.

"Khaleesi," you looked up when Jorah spoke, your eyes meeting his for a moment.

"He was no Dragon-" Dany paused, her eyes fixed on her brother's corpse, "-fire cannot kill a Dragon."

You watched as she pulled her hand from yours, making her way across the room and out into the night, leaving you standing beside Jorah. "She shouldn't have been here for this," he started softly, but you shook your head.

"She needed to know the truth about him, this is what we wanted." He hummed his agreement. "He would have been a shit King. She will lead them well, far better than he could have ever imagined."

"And if she doesn't?"

You paused for a moment, your eyes meeting his. "She will."

Another smile found its way onto your lips as you moved away from him, headed back to your tent.

*Time Skip*

"What do you think of this Jon Snow?" You asked the question quite suddenly, leaving Dany somewhat startled as he lips left the skin of your neck.

She paused to think, her brow furrowing as she considered her answer. "He seems like a good leader, but ultimately he broke his ancestors claim to my family."

"But he is not a Stark. He has no claim."

"He fights for them, and his father was one of them-" she paused, taking your chin in her hand for a moment to draw your eyes to hers, "-how much more Stark could he possibly be?"

You shook your head, pulling your face from her grip. "Do you trust him?" She shook her head silently. "He had no reason to come here unless what he says is true."

"Of course it isn't true!" She let out a sharp laugh, "who in their right mind believes in white walkers and the walking dead?" She paused when her eyes met yours, your frown etched so deeply into your face that it caught her off guard. "You aren't saying you believe him, are you?"

You shrugged slightly, "I don't know. Tyrion trusts him, and he has no reason to lie. Plus, his family hates Cersei Lannister almost as much as we do."

"His father fought to overthrow and kill mine."

"Because your father was a murderer." You both fell silent, staring at one another. "You cannot blame him for not wanting to bend the knee to you after the history of your families. The north will not follow you as blindly as the others."

Dany's jaw tightened. "I do not ask for blind loyalty. I ask for people to support me to put me in my rightful place."

"The Iron Throne is not a right, it has to be earned, and that will happen when you win their loyalty."

"Why are you being like this?"

You paused, giving her a small shrug. "Because I love you, and I don't want you to begin making demands of people, it will just push them away."

"So, you want me to give him the Seven Kingdoms?"

"No, of course not-" you told her, your voice softening, "-but we should go North and fight with him. When his war if finished, yours can begin, and Jon Snow will fight at our side."

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