Sandor Clegane X Stark!Reader - Shining Light

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A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Shining Light' by Ash. In this story, Brandon Stark (reader's father) was married to another Lady, not Catelyn. I intend to write a second part to this at some point. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had never quite felt like you belonged in Winterfell. Of course, your uncle treated you well from the moment he had learnt of your father's death, but it had never been the same as actually fitting in amongst your cousins. 

Sansa was of the belief that you were unladylike, that you refusal to sew was as much a sin as having committed murder. Arya, on the other hand, believed that your love of dresses made you a conformist, and that you were as boring as the other ladies.  And the boys, as fun as they were, didn't want you hanging around them every day. 

You had decided, whilst still quite young, that you were better off lingering around the adults. Eddard would allow you to sit in on meetings with local households, where you would absorb as much information as possible. And Catelyn, though not fully supportive of your interest in her husband's work, was happy to have you shadowing her as she went about keeping the household.

It wasn't until your sixteenth name day that you realised you didn't have a friend your own age. You had come to prefer the company of older people, and now, it seemed there was no need to make friends with your cousins. Not that they had much interest, either.

When the King and his family came to Winterfell, you had become busier than usual. Helping Catelyn had become the number one priority, and as the oldest, keeping your cousins in check was your lead role. Bran was not to be found climbing at any point. Arya had to be on her best behaviour. And the other's were to make the royal family feel welcome in their home, without becoming too casual in their approach. You wouldn't have to worry about Sansa, she was always good, and Robb could be trusted, but the others would be troublesome, if you weren't careful.

You lined up with the rest of your family, standing beside Theon and hoping to keep his smart mouth from getting the better of him, as it often did, with Jon on your other side, another one you wouldn't have to worry about. The King was nothing like the stories you had read as a child. You had pictured a tall, strong knight, and now, standing before you was a hunched, fat, old king. Disappointing, if you were honest. 

You remained quiet, head bowed as the King greeted his old friend. You could hear the small talk and the laughter, and then out of nowhere, something caught your attention. "Which is Brandon's girl?" 

Your uncle turned, smiling at you and gesturing for you to step forward. "It is an honour to meet you, Your Grace," you started, giving a long perfected curtsey and smiling softly up at the King.

"Pretty," he muttered, his face roving over your face for a moment. "I would have fought for your father a thousand times over if it had kept him alive." 

Your smile faded slightly, "Thank you, Your Grace." The King grunted slightly at that, giving a short nod.

"If there is ever anything you are in need of, consider it done."

"That is very kind, Your Grace." 

The King nodded again, turning back to your uncle. "We should pay our respects to the dead."

And then everybody was gone, dispersing into the rest of Winterfell and leaving your somewhat breathless as you stood alone in the courtyard. You glanced around you and straightened up, smoothing down your skirt slightly as you spotted a gathering of people standing some way away. The first, you knew on sight. Joffrey Baratheon, future King, and as Weasley as a boy can be. The second, was perhaps even more recognisable. A hulking great man in armour, with a helm shaped like a hound. Sandor Clegane was anything but conspicuous. 

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