Robb Stark X Greyjoy!Reader - Eastside

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A/N- This imagine is based on Eastside by Benny blanco ft. Halsey and Khalid. It's a damn good song. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had loved Robb since the day of your 15th nameday. He had found it surprising that you hadn't been given the large celebration that he and his siblings had been awarded, and had taken it upon himself to give you a day that you would never forget. You remembered the way he had held you as he swung you around in circles to the music he had managed to conjure up; being the son of the Warden of the North had given him some pull within the local community, and he had pulled together all of the musicians he could find. You spent the entire day smiling, and by the time it was over you were hopelessly in love.

Soon after he had responded in kind, telling you that he wished to marry you. Theon had found no issue with the idea of his best friend marrying his younger sister, but your father was far less friendly to the idea, and Robb had decided to take matters into his own hands. The letter that he wrote had brought you to tears.


Dear Lord Greyjoy,

In recent months your daughter, Y/N, and I have become very close, and I have realised that there is a love in my heart that no one else has ever inspired in me. She is truly the only woman who has ever made me care for her. I would be honoured if you would allow me to marry your daughter, and I promise that if you allow me this, I will do anything I can to see her happy.


Robb Stark, Heir to Winterfell


Your father had been far less kind in his response, claiming that you would never be allowed to marry anyone who wasn't an IronIslander, especially not a Stark. It had done little to change your minds, however, as you had claimed that a man who hardly knew your heart should not be able to make claims as to who it could belong to.

After that you would meet with Robb in the gardens every night, surrounded by the cold night air, but warmed by his presence. It was the only way for you to ever be alone, not surrounded by your brother, or his family, and you had grown to crave the time you spent with him.

"Once we are married we will have all the time in the world to be alone," he would tell you softly, and you would chuckle at his words. He was always so sweet with his words, but you were far more blunt with your language.

"Why wait?" you would answer, wrapping yourself up in his arms, your fingers still linked with his.

You were never truly sure what it was that caused Lord Stark to go against your father's wishes and allow you to marry. You had wondered whether he had just seen how you cared for one another, though Robb had a suspicion that Theon had had a hand in his father's change of opinion.

You had begged your own father to come around to the idea of your marriage, pleaded for him to at least come to the wedding and to give you both his blessing, but he had refused to leave his home and had demanded you home. Theon had spent most of the next week comforting you, reminding you of the family you had in Winterfell, and formatting his own furious letter to your father.



You are making a big mistake in the way you are treating Y/N. You have yet to truly know her, and she has grown into a passionate and kind young woman under the watchful eye of Lady Stark. If you were to see how she and Robb are together you would see that their union would not only beneficial to our family, but it would also bring such happiness to her.

As it stands, your opinion will make no difference in Y/N's plans, if you are not here to give her at the ceremony I will take your place, and she will become a Stark either way. We only wish that you would make the right choice and be their to support your daughter as she moves onto this new stage of her life.

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant