Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Reader (Requested by @SwansGuyliner)

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A/N- This imagine was requested by @SwansGuyliner. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had been waiting in the dark of your chambers for three hours. In fact, when you had first begun waiting it hadn't been dark, sure, the sun had begun to set, but it had still been light enough that you weren't in need of any candles.

In all honesty, you weren't certain why you were so mad with Dany. There had been no real evidence of anything sordid going on between her and Ser Jorah, but the way he looked at her couldn't be mistaken for anything but lust, and she had always had a rather large soft spot for the man. But rumours roamed free where your wife was concerned and you hadn't seen her properly in weeks. She would be gone when you woke up, ready to get on with her day, and she would hardly ever make it back to your chambers before long past midnight. On the odd occasion, she would accidentally wake you up as she clambered into bed, exhausted and tense from the time she had spent away from you. You had always been thankful for those moments, cuddling close to her side and kissing her lightly until she drifted off to sleep. But recently it was as though she didn't ever come to bed at all.

The door creaked open, letting in a slim slither of light as she shimmied through the gap and into the room. Your eyes narrowed as you watched her shape, shifting ever so slowly, as she attempted to shut the door as quietly as she could.

You cleared your throat and had to fight back a smile when she jumped, turning to look at you with her eyes wide. "Where were you?"

Her shoulders rounded out, sinking back to their normal position as her eyes found you. "What are you doing up so late?"

"I asked you a question," you grumbled, setting your jaw as you continued to glare in her direction.

She hummed, smiling softly in your direction. "I know," she told you, crossing the room to press a kiss to your cheek. She paused when you pulled away from her. "What's going on?"

"Where were you?" Dany's brows furrowed as she watched you in confusion.

"I was in a meeting," she answered, crouching to look properly into your eyes. "Why are you upset?"

"I'm not upset," you spat out, shifting to your feet and marching over to the table to pour yourself a cup of wine. Your legs ached and protested at the pressure after sitting for so long.

"Clearly." You hadn't been able to see Dany as she spoke, but you knew her well enough to know that she had rolled her eyes.

You twisted your head, shooting her a glare over your shoulder. "Don't push your luck," you growled, slamming the jug back onto the table and causing a few drops to jump from the lip and onto the wooden surface.

"Why are you mad at me?" When you finally faced Dany again you saw just how tired she really was, and the anger fell from you, replaced with utter heartbreak.

"I can't," you uttered softly, your eyes flooding with tears as you shook your head. "I know that you are a queen and that this is the done thing here-" you paused, gesturing wildly around you, "-but I can't stand the thought of you fucking him."

Dany didn't move, but instead stood completely still, staring at you with her innocent little doe eyes. "I don't..." she started but you shook your head, cutting her off.

"Please-" you yelped out, lifting your hands to wipe away the tears that escaped to your cheeks, "-don't treat me like I'm stupid. I see the way he looks at you."

"I'm not treating you like anything," she told you, her voice soft, "I just need you to tell me who you think I've been sleeping with."

You shook your head in an attempt to clear your head, letting your eyes drop closed for just a moment. "Jorah," you finally uttered.

The laugh that burst from Dany shocked you both, and your eyes shot open to stare at her in disbelief. "I'm sorry," she started, biting down on her lip to stop the chuckles from escaping, "but if I had ever wanted to fuck Jorah Mormont do you not think I would have done it before I was a happily married woman?"

"Fuck you," you finally spat out, your red eyes meeting hers for only a moment before you turned on your heel, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" Dany followed, her hand pressing the door shut just as you both reached it. "Just listen to me for two seconds." You paused, pressing your forehead into the wood of the door. She was so close behind you that it felt as though she would crash into you at any moment. "I have never, nor will I ever, fucked Jorah. He is a friend and he will never be anything else."

You nodded your understanding, shifting ever so slightly to reach back up and take her hand in yours. "I just-" you paused mid-sentence, unsure of yourself, "-I never see you anymore."

"I know," she answered quickly, pressing her lips to the back of your head. "But that'll all stop soon; when we take King's Landing everything will go back to normal."

You nodded again, turning slightly and burying your face into her neck as you cuddled close to her. "I'm sorry," you told her and she wrapped her arms around your body, holding you as tightly as she could. She hummed her understanding, pulling away just slightly to press her lips to yours.

"I love you," she muttered, her words soft as they slipped from her tongue, "and I don't want to fuck anyone else but you."

The words made a small chuckle burst from your chest, and she simply smiled as she pulled you closer again.

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