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ii. Tired of Losing

Gwen noticed Malia walking sadly through the hallway.

"Malia, what's wrong?"

Gwen grabbed onto her friends hands. "I can't keep losing like this, Gwen. I can't deal with another body."

"What are you talking about?" Malia turned her head in the direction she came from then brushed past Gwen not saying a word. Sirens filled her ears, making her uneasy.


Gwen sat at her house putting her head in her hands contemplating over every word she said, every thought she had, every thing she did.

She rubbed her eyes stressfully making her mascara rub a little before resting her chin on her hand.

"Gwen?" Sheriff Stilinski spoke setting his jacket on the table. She looked up and smiled softly. "Hey."

"Are you okay?" He asked sitting down at the table near her. She nodded and looked the other direction trying to avoid his eyes.

Gwen looked down at her nails picking at them, pretending to be occupied.

"Come on. Don't give me that." Her dad always knew when she was lying, even when she tried to get away with it.

She scoffed, "Seriously, it's just-I feel terrible not being able to help these kids. They are just dying and there's nothing I can do about it and it's killing me. There's nothing I can do to help and it's so frustrating."

"It's okay, Gwen. You are doing the best you can." He rested his hand on hers and she smiled.

They paused and moment before she noticed him smirking intensely. "What?" She asked laughing a little.

"You didn't tell me you wanted to be a Deputy."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah. I do."

"I'm happy. You'd do amazing." He smiled and she grinned from ear to ear. "Ever since you took me to the station for the first time, I couldn't help but love it."

He chuckled, "You're the one thing I've gotten right in this world."

"Not Stiles?"

"No definitely not Stiles. You two are similar, but you have your mom in you more. She was selfless, just like you. Always wanted to do what's right."

She looked up gazing at her father and he continued, "I wish she could see you know. Beautiful, smart, and even better than your brother at sports. She would've been so proud of you."


Stiles and Gwen drove up to the animal clinic after hearing about what happened to Hayden and Liam at the Sinema.

It was rainy and Gwen looked out the window with her head rested on her hand. Scott put the helmet on his bike and turned around to see the Stilinski siblings in a Jeep.

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