Chapter 5: A Guest and a Visitor

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-Ava's POV-

"So where is the little hot American arse you're dating?" Poppy asks me as she sits on a couch across from me and Finn in our living room.

"She properly ruined that." Finn answers for me.

"What?! Ava please tell me he's joking. What did you do?" Poppy questions me in shock.

I shrug, "We decided to just be friends."

"Well please tell me you at least got a good snog or two out of him."

"No Poppy. We only ever just hung out."

"Now that's rubbish. If you're with a lad like that, you need to have a proper go with him." She shakes her head at me.

"I never felt that way about him, so what was the point in continuing to date him?"

"You could of if you'd given him the chance." Finn narrows his eyes at me. He's still not happy that I ended things with Liam.

"Sorry Finn, but I'm with Ava on this one." Poppy defends me, "If a man can't make your panties wet, either with a laugh or a good bonk, then there's no sense in keeping him around."

I can't help but laugh at the crudeness in Poppy's logic. Some things never change.

"Now don't go being on her side. She only dumped him cause she's still pinning away after you know who." Finn speaks up, causing me to shoot him a dirty look. He's still a very sore subject with Poppy.

"Ava, please tell me you're not." Poppy shakes her head at me once again.

"I'm not." I try to say as confidently as possible.

"Oh please." Finn calls my bluff. "She still fancies the lad. She's been waking around in a huff ever since she saw the pics of him and his new bird."

Poppy looks at me with a frown, "Ava, number one, you have got to let that man go. And number two, I saw a picture of that girl on Twitter. She looks like something I drew with my left hand. He wouldn't go for her."

"Can we please stop talking about this? I don't want to spend your whole visit being reminded of him." I plead.

She only just arrived this morning, and I'm already getting grilled over my love life. Or lack there of. She's only here for a long weekend, and I want it to be a fun one.

"Yes, we all need to have some proper fun. But you may have to suffer through being reminded of him.."

I raise my eyebrows at her, waiting for her to go on.

"Niall's in L.A. and I may have invited him to join us for dinner. I haven't seen him in ages. Is that alright?"

I sigh. I would love to see him and catch up, but I know it won't be easy.

"It's fine." I finally answer her.

"Splendid! He should be here any minute."

"I thought you said dinner." I ask her after glancing at the clock. It's only a little after 2pm.

"Dinner, afternoon, what does it matter really?" She shrugs as she jumps up from the couch. "I'm just gonna go freshen up."

I'm left alone on the couch as Poppy runs upstairs and Finn heads off to work in his office. Not seconds later the door bell rings.

I get up, not exactly sure how this is going to go. For all I know Niall could hate me for just walking out on all of them.

The doorbell rings again right as I step in front of it. I take a deep breath and slowly open it.

"Ava!" Niall exclaims before grabbing me into a tight hug. "I've missed ya! Do you have anything to eat?"


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