Chapter 27: All I Want

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Song for this chapter is All I Want by Shannon Saunders. I'll let you know when to start playing it. ;)

-Ava's POV-

The kiss is slow and soft, everything a kiss you've waited a year for should be.

Our lips move together perfectly, making me wonder how in the world I went without this for so long.

Harry finally pulls away when we run out of breath and rests his forehead against my own.

"Stay with me tonight." He whispers, his eyes full of happiness.

I nod, suddenly feeling nervousness wash over me as Harry takes my hand and leads me inside.

By the time we reach his bedroom, my breathing is erratic. We've waited so long for this, but what if I'm not what he expects? What if I'm not good enough?

Harry stops once we reach the side of his bed and turns to face me. He looks back and forth between my eyes before placing his hands on my cheeks.

"Don't overthink this love. It's just you and me here. You're safe and you're everything I want. I love you. So much."

I smile up at him, knowing his words couldn't be more true. "And I love you."

He grins at me, giving me another long soft kiss.

"Av, I want to make love to you." He utters against my lips.

(Start Song Now)

I stare into his eyes but don't say a word as I push his suit jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall onto the floor. His eyes never leave my face as I slowly unbutton his dress shirt, taking my time with each button.

When I've reached the last one, he pulls the shirt off his shoulders.

I'd almost forgotten how beautiful he was.

My eyes linger down his chest, taking in his broad shoulders and toned stomach. I reach my hands out to touch the two swallows inked on his chest, his skin feeling hot to my fingertips as I trace over them.

His tattoos have always been one of my favorite things about his body. They are so random and unordinary and just so Harry. But each one has meaning and a story behind it, being that everything Harry does comes from his heart.

He takes my hands and kisses the palms before getting down on one knee, bringing my foot up and removing my heel. He does the same with the other before standing back up and pulling off his own shoes and socks.

When he stands back up straight he now towers over me, looking down at me with such love I can't feel anything but safe. Something I've never felt with anyone else.

He bites his lip as he takes my hair, brushing it forward over my right shoulder before reaching around behind me and slowly pulling down the zipper of my dress.

It instantly pools at my feet, the cold air hitting my skin and reminding me that I chose to go without a bra for the evening.

"Jesus Christ." Harry breaths out as his eyes move down my body.

I can see the movement of his chest quicken as he studies me, looking me over as if he wants to remember every curve in full detail.

His eyes wonder from my exposed breasts down to my hips that are hugged by a white lace bikini, the only piece of clothing now left on my body.

I want to feel his hands on my skin. I need to feel his hands on my skin.

But he doesn't touch me.

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