Chapter 91: I Want to Know What Love Is

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Song for this chapter is I Want to Know What Love is by Foreigner. Please play it, adds a lot to the chapter. I attached it and will let you know when to start playing it... Here's the link if it won't work...

-Ava's POV-

"Ni, if you don't keep your grubby little paws off that cake, I'm going to kick your arse!" Gemma snaps, smacking Niall upside the head.

"Ah come on!" Niall whines, "Just a taste!"

"Nope!" Gemma pushes him out of the kitchen, shoving another beer in his hand to distract him.

"What can I do to help?" I question, watching Gemma and Lou busy themselves with making dinner in our kitchen.

"It's your party love! You're not helping!" Lou shakes her head at me, "Go on outside and have fun!"

I pick up a few veggies to chop, but they are promptly yanked out of my hand. I'm swiftly shooed out of the kitchen same as Niall, and I follow my feet out onto the back patio where the main party is.

Niall cannonballs into the pool right as I walk outside, mildly disrupting the intense game of water volleyball taking place. Louie complains the most, which most likely means that him, El and Zayn are losing the game against Finn, Harry, and Liam.

I take a seat on the edge of the pool as they continue to play, dipping my legs in the water. I quickly adjust my bathing suit, making sure the narrow front of it covers my scars. They are looking alot better, but I'm still a little self conscious over them.

I was so excited when I got my cast and stitches removed yesterday, but not as excited as Harry. The boys all had to fly in for an interview tomorrow so he asked them, Lou, and El to come early and have a little celebration in my honor.

I felt good. Really good actually. It's been three weeks since I got home from the hospital. The first week was pretty rough. I was tired, sore, and still healing. But after that things progressed quickly. It took a bit to wear me out now, I no longer felt any pain. The only reminders left were the small scars on my stomach and my nightmares.

I still have them often. Not every night, but several times a week. It's always the same. A dark figure coming towards me, pain washing over my body as I'm stabbed, and screams. I wake up in a sweat, the really bad ones leave me screaming. But my fear doesn't last long. Harry's always there, his arms wrapping around me and holding me to his chest, his deep voice in my ear calming me down, his soft kisses to my face easing my anxiety. I instantly feel safe, and even though I know he hates seeing it happen, I let him. I let him do exactly what he wants. I let him take care of me.

Zayn hits the ball over the net forcefully, sending it flying over Harry's head and landing at my feet. As Louie scolds him, Harry turns around to retrieve it, his face breaking into a grin as he notices me sitting along the edge. I kick it towards him, but as soon as it reaches his hands he tosses it to Niall, telling him to take his place.

I can't help but smile as he swims over to me, placing himself between my legs as they dangle off the edge. I take him in... fully appreciating the water glistening off his tan skin, his hair pulled back, raybans on his face and dimples indenting his cheeks.

His hands rest on my thighs, running up over them. "You look bloody fit today McCain. Quite like these swimmers, very bohemian."

"Don't look so bad yourself Styles. How's the game going?" I question as his hands stop on my hips, his fingers rubbing the smooth skin.

"We're winning... It's right shameful really. You alright?"

"Yup, I'm good."

"Yeah?... You sure?" He sucks his lips into his mouth, something he always does when he's worried.

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