Chapter 42: A Phone Call, Flowers, and a Plan

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-Ava's POV-

I wake up with a smile on my face for the first time in over a week, and I know it's cause of one reason and one reason only.

Harry's flying back today.

I roll over and grab my phone to check the time. His layover should be landing in New York soon. I send him a quick text to say good morning and that I can't wait to see him.

His three day trip had quickly turned into a week, which then turned into ten days. The release date on their new album had been pushed up, meaning he had to stay in London for various meetings and interviews.

He's called me every chance he's gotten, but with his busy schedule and the eight hour time difference, we haven't gotten to talk as much as either of us would like. We've texted quite a bit, but it doesn't compare to hearing his voice.

The second I step out of the shower my phone rings, and I can't help the smile that spreads across my face when I see who it is.

"Hey!" I answer, sounding overly excited.

"Hello love, you alright?" Harry's deep voice sounds through the speaker.

"Yeah. You land already?" I ask, glancing at the clock.

"Ermm, no. I'm... I'm still in London."


There's silence on the other end of the phone, and I know he's upset.

"You leaving later today?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"No Av, I'm... It will be another few days at least. I'm sorry. I feel bloody awful about this."

"It's not your fault, duty calls right?" I try to make my voice sound hopeful when I really feel like crying.

"Yeah guess so."

"And it's just a few more days."

"Yeah hopefully. I make a right proper boyfriend don't I?" He says, beating himself up.

"Stop. You'd be here if you could right?"

"Of course I would Ava. I miss you, really terribly actually."

"Well than that's all that matters. And I miss you too by the way."

"You're really.... I just love you. You know that yeah?"

"Yes." I nod my head even though he can't see me. "And I love you."

"This shite won't get in the way of us right?"

"Never Styles."

I hear him sigh as someone yells in the background.

"I have to go, but I'll call you soon yeah? I love you McCain."

"Love you."

I drop my phone down onto the bed as the calls ends, already missing the sound of his voice. I feel pathetic, but I'm having a very difficult time not crying as I get ready for the day. It's just a few more days Ava!

"Didn't think you were coming in." Jenna gives me a half smile as I walk through the office doors. "Harry not making it back today?"

"No, not today."

"I'm sorry Ava." She frowns, knowing how much I was looking forward to seeing him.

"Just a few more days." I shrug, trying to remain optimistic about the situation.

"Will go by in a flash." She smiles as she follows me into my office. "You want coffee?"

"Yes please. And feel free to add some Bailey's to it."

Jenna chuckles as she heads towards the small breakroom, while I take a seat at my desk. I try to go through and respond to various emails, but I can't focus on anything.

"Coffee!" Jenna announces as she walks in. "And flowers!"

I look up to find a glass vase with white tulips filling it. Jenna sets it in front of me with a smile.

I pull the small note attached to it off and open it up.

Things I want:

1. You


To say I miss you is an understatement.

Love -H xoxo

I smile as I read the note, my heart warming at the thought of him taking time out of his busy schedule to do this. I stare at the flowers, so simple and so beautiful, just like Harry.

"Jenna!" I call, causing her to appear in my doorway.


I glance at the flowers, then back at her before speaking.

"I need a seat on the next available flight to London."

A huge grin covers her face as she nods. "I'll get right on it."

Twenty minutes later I'm in my bedroom, hurriedly packing a bag with the phone up to my ear.

"I knew it! Knew it the second I saw you were ringing me"

"Keep your voice down!" I scold.

"He's not around. Now how did I get the honor of being your accomplice?"

"Because we all know you're the only one who can keep your mouth shut."

"Ah, very true." Zayn chuckles. "Now when does your flight arrive?"

"As long as my flight isn't delayed, it will be around 9am your time tomorrow morning."

"Alright, I'll have a car waiting for you at Heathrow. Don't know for sure where we'll be yet, but I'll find out and have the driver bring you to us."

"You're awesome!" I smile.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Harry's gonna have a proper fit when he sees you."

"Hopefully that's a good thing." I laugh.

"A very good thing. The lad's been a mess without you. Can't wait to see his face when you show up. He's gonna go mad."

"Just keep it quiet alright? Louie or Niall finds out and I might as well tweet about it."

"Very true." Zayn laughs. "Mums the word."

"Alright, well I need to finish packing so I'll let you go. Thanks again Zayn."

"No problem Ava. See you soon."

I hang up the phone, feeling nervousness wash over me. I hope he's excited to see me and I won't just be in the way.

I quickly go over my work schedule, sending Jenna a few last emails with directions on how to handle a couple meetings I had lined up. I know she'll take care of everything wonderfully, and anything she can't, I've arranged to be able to handle it remotely.

Shoving the last few items into my bag, I zip it up and yell for Finn.

"You packed warm clothes right? You know it's right chilly over there this time of year." Finn states as he grabs my bags.

"Yup. I did live over there, remember?" I chuckle, throwing my carry-on over my shoulder as I follow him downstairs.

The drive to the airport seems to take forever, which means the flight is going to feel like an eternity. Finn pulls my bags out of the trunk and sets them on the sidewalk as I pull my ticket info up on my phone.

"Drink some proper tea for me while you're over there alright?" Finn smiles at me before giving me a hug.

"Will do. I'll even bring some back for you."

"You are a proper best mate. Now push on, you're about to miss your flight."

I give him one more quick hug before grabbing my bags and heading towards my gate. I know I probably look like a crazy person, running through the airport with a huge smile on my face.

But I couldn't care less.

In less than thirteen hours, I'm going to see Harry.


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