Chapter 94: No Privacy

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-Ava's POV-

"If you lot say one more thing about how my brother looks with his clothes off, I'm leaving and never coming back."

"Oh don't be so dramatic!" Poppy laughs.

"Let's just start discussing how Finn looks under his drawers then shall we?"

Poppy and I both make sickening noises as Gemma laughs.

"Please no! God, that's so gross." I cringe.

"He's a fit lad, but that's even to close to home for me love." Poppy shakes her head as her forehead crinkles up in disgust.

"Alright then. No more talking about either of them naked." Gemma raises an eyebrow at us, "Now Ava, you've got to try this chocolate cake. It's brilliant!"

"I can't. I'm to stuffed." I drop my napkin on the table and take a sip of my cocktail.

"Just one love." Gemma holds her fork up in front of my face, which I promptly shoo away.

"There a reason you've tried to get me to eat half of your food as well as mine?" I question.

"Just so good." Gemma shrugs, her eyes flicking down to her plate.

I narrow my eyes at her as she avoids my gaze. Harry and her are far to much alike.

"Out with it Gemma."

"Out with what?" She feigns innocence.

"Tell me and I'll eat a bite."

"Eat two and I'll tell you." She counter offers.

"Alright." I agree, grabbing her fork and taking the smallest bite possible. "Talk."

"Haz asked me to make sure you ate plenty."

"Seriously?" I groan, rolling my eyes.

"You are fairly thin Ava."

"Yeah well you tend to lose weight when you almost die." I defend myself.

"Can we please not rehash that?" Poppy speaks up, her frown turning into a smile, "Lad probably just wants more cushion for the pushing."

"Thanks for that mental image!" Gemma shudders before turning to me. "He's just a bit worried is all."

"I've already told him I'm eating well. I think this lunch has proven that. I lost a lot in the hospital and during recovery. It's to be expected.".

"You know how Haz is about you. Can't blame him for being concerned."

I sigh, begrudgingly taking another bite of cake. I did lose a bit of weight, but I am gaining it back.

"It's just he's to overly concerned I think. He doesn't want me to go anywhere alone. Anywhere. I stub my toe and he wants to take me to the hospital."

"Ava..." Gemma places her hand over mine, "You've no idea how he was those three days you were asleep. Wasn't himself. I get he can be a little much at times. He is Harry after all. But it's only because he really loves you."

"I know... I know he does." I nod, "It's just.... Every time he insists on carrying something for me, or insists I don't answer the door, or flips out when I trip... It's just a reminder to me of what happened. I don't want to be reminded every second."

"Have you told him that?" Poppy questions.

"I've tried. He just gets so upset if I don't let him take care of me. And I know it means a lot to him to be able to do that. After what happened... " I shake my head, "I sound ridiculous. Poor me, I have a wonderful man who loves me and wants to take care of me. I just need to shut up."

"Rubbish!" Poppy squeezes my arm lightly, "You're allowed to vent love."

"He'll ease up a bit over time. But don't be afraid to tell him how you really feel. You know that will hurt him more than anything else." Gemma smiles at me reassuringly.

"You're right." I nod.

"Of course I am." Gemma grins, "Now I need new shoes... Curtesy of my dearest little brother of course."

Three hours and four stores later we have more bags then we can carry. I may or may not have renewed my love affair with Christian Louboutin.

"How do these look?" I pull up the leg of my skinny jeans as much as possible to show off the black heels currently strapped to my feet.

"I would kill for your calf muscles."

"Shoes Poppy. How do the shoes look?" I question.

"Stunning obviously. Have you looked at Twitter lately?"

"No. Why?" I pull off the shoe and set it back into the box.

"Might want to have a look." She frowns as she stares at her phone screen.

I push down my pant leg before taking a seat in one of the gray club chairs next to Poppy as I grab my phone out of my bag.

The second I open up Twitter notification after notification pops up.

@OneDxxxx: Is anyone seeing this?! What the f!kaofh$! is going on?! @AvaMcCain @HarryStyles

@youandiiiiii: This better be a joke @AvaMcCain #notfunny

@iloveyouzayn: listen people. I heard @HarryStyles is just as surprised as the rest of us @AvaMcCain = #attentionhore

"What the hell is going on?" I ask out loud.

"Oh shite!" Poppy yelps, "Look!"

Her phone is pushed into my hands and my eyes land on the picture on the screen.

Shit. Shit shit shit.

"They just took that." Poppy jumps up, her eyes scanning the shoe area.

My eyes shoot up, glancing around us. The shoes I'm strapping on in the picture I was just trying on minutes ago.

"Hey girls... Are these boots to..." Gemma's voice fades off as she walks up to us, taking in our panicked state. "What's wrong?"

I hand the phone to her, "I need to call Harry."

"You've got to be bloody joking!" Gemma raises her voice, looking around us "Is there no respect for privacy anymore?!"

I ignore her rant as I call Harry, it going straight to voicemail. I check the time. He's still in practice. Shit.

"Calm down before they throw us out." Poppy grabs Gemma's arm, forcing her down in a chair.

I plop down in the chair next to them. This is the last thing Harry needs right now. There's already the stress of starting the tour, the gossip about why I was in the hospital, the cancelled book signings and interviews. And this... this is going to be even worse. I can already hear management yelling at him over it. And it will be my fault.

I take a deep breath, looking back down at the picture. Six months. We only had three more to go.

Well word is out now. I'm looking at the proof that will be almost impossible to deny.

Me, bent over and strapping a shoe onto my foot. My white tank top falling away from my chest. Showcasing not only my bra but also a chain dangling from my neck. A chain with a large diamond engagement ring hanging off it. Clear as day, sparkling in the light.

We're engaged, and now the whole world knows it.

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