Chapter 93: Thirty Seconds

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-Harry's POV-


That's the first thought running through my mind as I'm pulled from sleep.

My hand slides under the covers and across the bed next to me, feeling for Ava's warm body so I can pull her closer. But my hand finds nothing. Nothing except cold sheets.

"Ava?" I call for her groggily, my voice so full of sleep it's barely understandable.

I push myself up when I receive no answer, rubbing my eyes as I look about the room. Empty.

I throw my legs over the side of the bed, standing up and grabbing my boxer briefs off the floor. I almost fall over as I tug them up my legs, adjusting them to sit low on my hips.

"Avvvvv." I call for her again with no response but know exactly where she is when my nose catches a certain scent.


I trudge down the stairs, my body screaming at me in exhaustion. To say I physically exerted myself last night couldn't be more true. More then half the night was spent between Ava's legs. My favorite place to be.

I stop in the dooway to the kitchen, leaning against the frame and crossing my arms as a smirk overtakes my face. Sitting at the bar, a steaming coffee mug in hand, is my girl. A simple white tee adorns her small frame with the words LA Love's ME across the front. A simple pair of black knickers covers her tight bum. Her hair is still a bit of a mess from last night's activities. Her skin is still glowing.

She's stunning.

Her fingers type away on her laptop sitting on the counter, the small clicks filling the otherwise quiet room. An exasperated sigh leaves her lips as she reads over her words. She pauses, raising an eyebrow but not looking up as a small smile curves her pink lips.

"Enjoying the view Styles?"

I chuckle at having been caught, "Very much so."

I push myself off the door frame and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her narrow shoulders. "Love... Come back to bed."

"I've got to finish this."

"Done yet?" I question, looking over her shoulder.


"How bout now?"

"No Harry."

"Let me help.." I reach over her, my hands pushing hers away so I can type out a few words.

She laughs as I finish, "Don't think I can tell the board I'll email them later cause I need to go have a proper bonk with my fiancee."

"Rubbish." I press a kiss to the top of her head as I grip her waist. "Job done. Hit send. Come back to bed."

"You're ridiculous." She shakes her head at me as she erases my words, resuming her quick typing.

I snatch up her mug, taking a sip of her coffee as I take a seat on the bar stool next to her.

"Spelled that wrong." I point at the screen, "And I wouldn't say that. Don't want to start an uproar now do we?"

She glances at me, pursing her lips as I grin. "Beauty of spell check. And how exactly is arranging a meeting going to start an uproar?"

"Brunch at your office?..I know what that means." I click my tongue in disapproval as I try to keep a straight face, "These are proper snobs love... Can't feed them coffee and donuts and not expect a revolt... Scone it up."

She rolls her eyes. A smile tugs at her lips. "Maybe I was going to scone it up. Drop a croissant down on it."

I bust out laughing, my loud outburst filling the room.

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