House Tours, & Long Lost Fathers

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•Angel's P.O.V•

       My jaw dropped when we pulled up to the house. It was gorgeous two story Victorian, painted a deep violet, had black shutters, and a beautiful emerald green lawn. "This is your home now." Ray told me chuckling a little, I flew out of the car, and ran up to the door. "D-Ray come on, we'll get that stuff later!" I called, be using excitedly, he laughed but complied, unlocking the door, and letting me in first. I gasped, the ceilings were high, the floor was red oak, the walls were maroon, and off to the left there was a grand staircase. I've never seen a grand staircase before, so I assumed this was one, the railings were green marble, and the house had this cozy feeling despite being so big. "How about a tour?" Ray asked coming up and placing my arm through his, I laughed and nodded excitedly. We started with the first floor, the kitchen was to the right, and had all black appliances, white countertops, and cupboards, and checkerboard tiles. The living room had a black leather wrap around, a giant flatscreen, surround sound, a plush white throw rug, and a brick fireplace.

         Next we went up to the second floor, there was a long hallway to the left that held, Ray's and Beau's rooms. The hallway on the right held what was to be my room, that just so happened to be next to Christa's old office. "You can use this as your space now, if you like." Ray said, when we went inside. I looked up at home with wide eyes "Oh no, I couldn't. This was her space, and I have to respect that." I told him, he looked sad for a moment, but then smiled and laughed "Trust me Angel, she would want you to use her office for your space outside of your room." I sighted, realizing that he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer and agreed. We walked down the stairs and went to the basement, where there was a recording studio, equipped with amps, microphones, guitars, drums, the walls were soundproofed, and had a mini-fridge.

         "I spend a lot of time down here, and you're free to come down here at anytime, just don't break anything." Ray told me, and I nodded. We walked back up stairs, to the sliding glass doors that led to the back yard. There was a treehouse, a swingset, a little pond, and a pool off to the side, it was beautiful and tranquil. "I think I'll probably end up spending a lot of time out here." I smiled, "I could see why." Ray responded with a smile, turning to go back into the house, then he stopped "We should go get your stuff."  I nodded in agreement, and followed him back through the house to the car. As soon as we got out of the front door a car I didn't recognize pulled into the drive way, two people got out and started walking towards us.

         "Ray, we heard about Christa- who is this?" A woman in her late sixties -maybe- asked Ray stopping in front of him, with who I assumed to be her husband in tow. "Mom, Dad, this is Angel, she lost her mom in the wreck, and was going to be sent to foster care, so I'm adopting her." Ray said, hugging his mother, and father, the turned to me and smiled. "I'll get my things from the car." I said, and quickly walked to the car, opening the trunk and grabbing my duffle bag. I turned around to find Ray's mom standing behind me, she looked a little upset, "Angel, there's something I have to tell you." She said, taking my duffle bag from my hands, allowing me to grab my guitar and amp. I followed her into the house, and lead her to my room, where we placed everything on the floor in front of the closet. "Angel, I've carried this picture with me every day, hoping that one day I would run into you." Ray's mom said handing me a photo of Ray holding me as a baby. "What is this?" I asked, my eyes wide. She sighed, "When Ray was very young, he got your mother, Mary, pregnant, and you were the result. Your grandfather and I were very supportive and were so happy when Ray stepped up, and did everything he was supposed to."

        "He got a job, bought just about everything he would ever need for you, and read so many parenting books it wasn't even funny." She laughed, "While Ray had very supportive parents, your mother did not. Her parents wanted her to have an abortion, but she refused, and came to us for help. We gave her a home, and all the love and support we could, then shortly after you came into the world. Ray was so happy that he cried, almost every time he held you, you were his princess from the very beginning, his whole world. Then one day we woke up, and you and your mom were gone. No note, she didn't call or anything, she just took you and left. Ray was devastated, and missed you terribly, then he met Gerard and it was history." my grandmother finished, tears in her eyes. "Now let me make sure that I am not mistaken, your name is Angel Johanna Rose Toro, right?" She asked taking my hands into hers. I was shocked, I must really be her granddaughter if she knew my full name. I nodded my head, and was engulfed in a hug, when she pulled away she asked if I had my birth certificate, and again I nodded, then moved to get it.

        I handed it to her, and after quickly looking over it, she jumped up, and dragged me down stairs to Ray. "Raymomd, there's something you need to see but first, look aslt this girl very carefully, and tell me if you see anything unusual about her." His mom demanded, Ray looked at her confused but complied, and started intently at me. "I don't know what you are asking me to see mom, you'll have to point it out." Ray told her, then she shoved my birth certificate in his face.

Cliffhanger sorry.

Just kidding I'm not.

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