Injuries, Ice, and Stories about the past

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•Ray's P.O.V.•

        I looked at the birth certificate in front of me, and then it hit me. The reason that I felt a need to help her was because it was my subconscious telling me that she was my daughter. I could definitely see it now, in her lips, her eyes, and her hair. It wasn't exactly like mine, or her moms, but a mix of both. Mary had taken Angel, and left when she was two years old, and I had been torn apart, when I lost her, maybe that's why I felt a little less broken when I met her, without realizing she was the child I had lost all those years ago. I searched and searched but couldn't find any sign of her or Mary, but then I met Gerard, and shortly after that we started My Chemical Rance, and I felt complete again. A few years later I met Christa, and fell head over heels for her, we got married in 2008, and had our son Beau in 2012. We were so happy, then quite literally Mary crashed into my life, and I ended up with Angel again, my little miracle.

         "Angel, I'm so sorry, I didn't know! I tried looking for you, and I never gave up hope that I would find you! I-" I started, but she raised her hand cutting me off. "I didn't know either until your m- I mean, nana, told me." Angel said gesturing towards my mom, "Ray don't look at me like that, I had no idea where she was until I saw her a when we first arrived." my mom defended herself. But at that point I didn't care if she was lying or not, I had my daughter that I hadn't seen for 14 years again. I turned to Angel, and hugged her, holding her as close as I possibly could. "R-Dad, I need air" Angel said, laughing, and when I released her she gasped, and laughed even more, causing me to laugh. "Wait, until the others hear about this!" I said excitedly, they were going to let Angel get settled in and then they would come over for dinner, and a movie night. "Do they know that you had another child before Beau?"my mom asks me, and I nod my head, Gerard, and Mikey know, but it never came up that I had to mention anyone else, Christa knew, but she's gone now, oh, how she would love to meet Angel.

             I heard a knock at the door, and went to answer it, "Oh shoot, I forgot to unpack!" I heard Angel exclaim from the living room, and heard her running up the stairs shortly after. When I opened the door, Cherry, Lily, Miles, Bandit, and Rowan ran into the house, as I assumed that they were playing a game of tag. I chuckled, and let the others in, "Guys there is something I need to tell you." I announce heading them into the living room, "Wait, Angel needs to be in here, this involves her too." I say, turning to go get her, but Jamia stops me, "You are not giving her up Raymond Toro." she growled at me, "You need her as much as she needs you." Frank interjects coming to stand with Jamia and I, but before anyone anyone could say anything more, we hear something tumbling down the stairs, and it was silent for a moment, but then we hear quiet cries. "Angel!" I shout running towards the stairs and finding her in a heap of tears on the floors;  I'm brought back to memories of earlier that day. She looks up at me, tears streaking her face, and I race to pick her up, "Shhhhh, it's going to be okay." I say in an effort to comfort her, but she keeps crying, her sobs getting louder. 

               I carried her into the living room and set her down on the couch, then ran to the kitchen to get some ice. "Angel, where does it hurt?" I ask coming back into the room, she shakily points to her ankle, but jerks away when I get near her. "Angel I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just trying to help" I explain to her in an attempt to convince her to let me put ice on her injury. My heart broke when I looked at her and saw the very apparent fear in her eyes, I sighed and looked at Mikey, silently pleading with him to help me. Mikey gently picks Angel up, and puts her in his lap, distracting her with talk of unicorns, the kids finally came over and helped Mikey distract Angel, long enough for me to put the bag of ice on her ankle. When I did she looked up at me, "See?" I said, she smile and reached for me, so Frank, helped Mikey put her in my lap. "What did they do to you?" I asked, Angel turned to look at me, and sighed.

        "Hey guys, how about you go play hide and seek in the backyard, but stay away from the treehouse." Angel smiled at the kids, as they quickly ran out of the house, then she turned to us and her face grew very serious. "I'm only going to tell this once, so listen carefully." We all nodded to show that she had our attention, and she began. "Mom loved me, and tried to make sure that I didn't know about her drug addiction. She got me the best of everything if she could afford it, and made sure that i was taken care of in the beginning, but then she got worse. She started to stay out late, and brought strange men home, I never thought anything of it, until she started to hit me. She would get so high or drunk that she and one of her boy toys would wake me up in the middle of the night, just to beat me up." Angel paused looking at each of us before sighing and continuing.

Another cliffhanger! Sorry!

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