Spray Paint Surprises

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•Angel's P.O.V•

After dad parked the car I jumped out and ran towards the entrance, Jamia, Frank, dad, Beau, and Christa following. I haven't been to the mall since I was about 6, when my mom forget she had me with her and was half-way home when the police called her. I was a little scared but also really excited to get new clothes today! When we got into the store Jamia, and Frank grabbed me from both sides and marched towards Hot Topic. It was grunge heaven, there were so many band shirts, especially MCR vand shirts. I grabbed like ten, some more ripped skinny jeans, hoodies, a couple skirts, some suspenders, and a pair of kick ass combat boots. "Hey Angel, I think you might like this." Dad said walking over and handing me a black crop top with a unicorn on the front. I squealed with excitement, and hugged him.
~Time Skip~
After we got done shopping, we went home to put all of out stuff away. We were in the car when dad said "Shit, I just remebered that I gave Angel your office, wh-" dad was cut off my Christa holding uo her hand. "We have so many other rooms in the house Ray, I can find another office." I sat forward "Or I can find a different room, it's no big deal." Christa turn around to look at me, "Shut up, you are taking that room, and you're gonna like it." she said trying to be serious but then laughed.

I laughed with her, and then I got an idea, "Heyyy dad?". He looked at me in the rear view mirror before flicking his gaze back to the road, "Yes?". I smirked "Can I get some spray paint?", he looked back up knot the rear view mirror, then at Christa who smiled and nodded, "Yeah, just don't graffiti anything." I laughed "No promises." Christa gave me a playful stern look, and giggled, dad switched lanes and we puked into the parking lot at a Lowe's. I got out of the car once we were parked, heading towards the store I ran into Gerard. "Hey Angel, whatcha doin kiddo?" he asked ruffling my hair, causing me to giggle and race to quickly put my hair back in it's place. I looked up at him "Just getting some spray paint." I replied, feeling a twist of nervousness in my stomach, something was wrong, but I didn't know what, so I tired to ignore it. "Wanna come with me?" I asked, catching him off guard. At first he looked a little surprised then he smiled "Yesh, sure." We walked into the store, going to find the spray paint, but as we were walking the feeling that something was terribly wrong came back. "Are you okay Gee?" I asked, stopping in front of him, Gerard looked down at me, then quickly looked away "Yeah, Angel, why wouldn't I be?" he replied. Gerard moved past me and kept walking, I sighed and caught up to him grabbing his arm making him stop and look at me. "You obviously are not okay, tell me what going on." I demanded, Gerard sighed and looked down at the floor.

"I had gone out to the beach when I woke up this morning, and when I came back I caught Lyn-Z with another man." Gerard told me keeping his gaze fixed on the floor. I did the only thing that I knew to do, I hugged him, he definitely needed it. "It's going to be okay." I told him, rubbing his back, when we released from out embrace, I looked up at him and smiled. He returned my smile, "Let's go get that spray paint, yeah?" We walked down an isle turned and bam!, found spray paint heaven. I grabbed every shade, and color of the rainbow that I could, and Gerard helped, walking towards a register we met my dad Christa, and Beau. "I see that you've found the spray paint." Dad said once he caught sight of me and Gerard, Christa laughed and snapped a quick picture "I'm sending this to Lyn-Z." I cringed at her name, she hurt Gerard, and I don't exactly know why but I felt this strong connection to him. Gee and I quickly put all of my paint on the counter at a register, and dad paid for all of it. After dad paid, Gerard helped us carry it all out to the car, "Text me if you need anything okay?" I whispered when I hugged him goodbye, Gee nodded and walked to his car looking back and waving.

~Time Skip~

When we pulled into the drive way, I jumped out and got Beau, handed him to dad, and grabbed my paints and the other things we got at the mall. I ran up to my room, and quickly put all of my nee things away, then ran down stairs, "Do we have any plastic?" I ask Christa, she looked up at me "Yeah, in the basement." I thanked her and raced to the basement. It was dark and musty, but I soon found the plastic, and ran back up the stairs slamming the door shut. It's hella creepy down there. I got back up to my room and immeadiately starting setting up, I pushed my bed away from the wall, and put my dest in the bathroom, then laid all the plastic down. Once everything was ready, I put on a face mask and began spraying, getting lost in it, not knowing that the others has sons arrived. It took a few hours but I was finally finished, all the paint was dry, my bed was on the other wall, and my desk was where the bed used to be. "Holy shit Angel!" I hear Frank say behind me, then he called for Ray. "Frank what is it n-" dad started but stopped when he walked into my room. "You are very talented." Mikey said, pushing past my dad and Frank, to give me a hug. I blushed "Thank you."

I had painted a big mural of the guys standing in v-formation, each part of them was from an different era. One part was Bullets, another was Revenge, the Black Parade, Danger days, and Conventional Weapons. Then the guys were surrounded by lyrics, such as "I'm not okay", "If this is what you want then fire at will", "Your memory will carry on", and "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me". It was my best work of art yet, and I absolutely loved it, I just hoped that they did too. "What are you guys all do-" Gerard said but stopped seeing my wall. "Ray who did you hire to do this?" he asked incredulously, I fringed hurt. "He didn't hire anyone, I did this." I told him, and he smiled "Angel this is amazing!" Gerard exclaimed. "Thank you." I blushed, my face growing warm, and I'm sure red.

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