13 | Unfamiliarity

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"Do you ever think about who invented the calendar?" Rose wondered out loud, deep in thought.

Hayden and I looked up at her questionably.

We were in the cafeteria, sipping our daily cup of iced coffee before the next lecture started. Hey, we needed all the caffeine we could get!

"I keep waiting for you to say something intelligent--but all you do is disappoint me, Ro," Hayden sighed in exasperation.

"Come on, for real!" Rose defended, "I'm so confused!"

"Wait, now that I think about it . . . why did whoever invented it give April thirty days and December thirty-one days?" I joined in.

"Exactly!" She jumped up and down in excitement. "This is so mind-boggling!"

Hayden raised his eyebrows as he stared from Rose to me and then back again.

"I'm never going to understand girls," he muttered to himself, loud enough for us to hear.

"And we can't understand you boys either!" Rose protested.

"Well, we are complex, but you girls are just a whole other species," Hayden shot back.

"Oh, we are a whole other species?" Rose was fuming, "What's the gender of Trump? That's right! Male!"

I downed my iced coffee, laughing at their playful bickering.

What would I do without them?

I was still in confusion about my feelings towards Hayden. So, I kept on staring at him from afar, trying to figure out why I had fallen for him.

He caught me staring and said, "I know I'm handsome, but you don't have to make it so obvious." He flipped his nonexistent mullet and grinned from ear to ear like the Cheshire cat.

And that just made me even more confused. I mean, the boy is just so full of himself he probably has a picture of himself as his phone wallpaper.


After the last lecture of the day, I took off to ask some questions to Dr. Alastair--there were some topics that I couldn't comprehend in today's lecture.

When I returned to our usual hangout spot under the giant oak tree across the cafeteria, I noticed Hayden and Rose conversing about something deeply. Rose was frowning and moving her hands vigorously.

As I approached the spot, he cleared his throat, and the two of them smiled at me awkwardly. It was almost as if I just caught them stealing.

"So, what are y'all hiding from me?" I eyed them sceptically, hands on my hips.

"O-oh, nothing, Ki. This punk was just telling me about how he loves to eat Fruit Loops at midnight," she stuttered, scowling at Hayden.

I glanced over at him, and he grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

I sighed, pouting. "You guys are so weird."

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