21 | Hazy Feelings

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It was soon the day of Chloe's party and by six o'clock, I was all glammed up and ready.

Rose had lent me her black heels with the red gems attached to the belt; they were perfect. Although I can't walk in heels to save my life, I practised a lot, and I had to say, I've improved. I still didn't have any balance and was wobbling like a doofus, but I didn't fall on my face again. I'd call that an improvement.

I sort of wanted to impress him by looking all pretty at the party tonight. Guilty, I know, considering the fact that a year ago, I was looking down at my sister for dressing up nice for her ex-boyfriend.

I texted Hayden to confirm that he's coming to pick me up.


Hey, you on your way?


Yep, just five more minutes.

It worried me he could reply while he was driving, if you ask me. But, eh, who was I to judge? I hadn't even got my drivers' license yet.

I was in my room--admiring myself--when I heard a car engine outside the house. I sauntered over and peeked out from between the curtains. Sure enough, it was Hayden. His pale-grey Corolla wasn't too difficult to notice against the darkness of the night.

"Mom, he's here. Bye!" I called out to my mom, who was showering in the bathroom.

"Won't you be able to wait for a few minutes? I want to meet your friend," her voice echoed out through the bathroom door.

"No, Mom. It's getting late. Maybe later. Bye!"

I rushed outside, closing the door behind me, hoping Mom wouldn't run out after me. It'd be awkward with all the introductions.

Hayden climbed out of the car as I headed towards it and held the door open for me. He was wearing a white shirt under a black hoodie.

Whoa . . . he's just wearing a hoodie and still out here looking all handsome.

Whereas I somehow was wearing the wine-red dress. I saw him staring at me as I climbed into the car after uttering a 'Thank you.'

He scurried around the car and climbed in beside me.

"You look great," he said, starting the engine.

"Thanks. You look handsome too," I complimented him, half expecting him to give me a toothy grin and say something self-obsessed.

But to my surprise, he questioned, "But won't you be cold?" He looked over at me, stealing a glance at my exposed arms and the bits of my shoulder--that wasn't exactly covered by the high-neck of the dress--I noticed.

I shook my head. "Probably not. I like the cold."

As always, better cold than sweating buckets.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived at Chloe's house. The place was crowded, of course--perks of being a pretty girl, perhaps.

I clutched the present I had gotten her--a kind of expensive perfume that I had brought from the money I had saved, the name of which I'd forgotten--tightly in my hands.

We entered the house, and I was in awe at all the decorations spanning the place. Neon lights and balloons were everywhere. I could only dream of a birthday like this as my mom doesn't exactly fancy the idea of a big birthday party since, why celebrate the fact that you are growing older? Then again, I don't exactly like my birthday, so it didn't matter either way.

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