28 | Lost Memories

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"Yes, you can do it!" Dr. Freiya exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands together as I struggled to balance myself without Jay's support or the walking frame.

It had been four weeks since my first therapy session--this was the twelfth--and hopefully, my last session ever. My knees wobbled awkwardly as I held on to the bar running along the beige wall, steadying myself.

Taking a wobbly step forward, my foot slipped abruptly, and I noticed Jay take a step forward to catch me, but I held my hand up, stopping him. I wanted to do this alone. I knew I could walk today. The moment I woke up, I had a feeling that I could. I felt stronger.

I shut my eyes and slowly let go of the bar. Imagining myself on the beach with him, the grainy sand under my feet, and the salty breeze billowing around me, lifting the dark strands of my hair. My first date. A tear escaped my closed eye, but I quickly wiped it away with my free hand.

Taking a step forward, I pressed the bottom of my foot on the cold floor, balancing myself. My knees were shaking, but the frequency wasn't as fast as before. I could feel the improvement.

Straightening up, I took another step and opened my eyes in surprise when I was able to stay standing for more than a minute before I felt myself losing balance again. But I took two more steps forward, this time I didn't lose balance. Instead, my knees quivered.

"Come on, Kiara!" Jay cheered, beaming at me.

I took a few more steps forward before whirling around and grinning back at the two cheering people in front of me. The people who were happier than me.

"I can walk!" My voice was shaking as I felt the excitement pulsing through my entire body, making me feel giddy.


"What can I do? I have a little dwarf as my girlfriend," Hayden smirked down at me.

I shoved him lightly. "You're not so tall yourself, boyfriend!" I countered.

He snickered at that, his dark eyes glinting under the light of the streetlamp.

"Kiara," he uttered, stopping in his tracks and turning to face me.

"Mm?" I hummed, looking up at him.

My eyes widened as he brought his hand up, resting it below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek. He leaned forward, my heart immediately starting to pound rapidly in my chest. My head had gone hazy and wild butterflies were having a disco in my stomach when his soft lips touched mine, my eyes closing at the sudden impact.

I felt like I was floating about a foot in the air. It lasted for only a slight moment before he retreated. I slowly opened my eyes, and they flickered up to meet his gaze. A gentle tinge of pink had arisen onto his cheeks. I felt my face become warm and buried my face in my hands, not wanting him to see me blush.

I heard him burst out laughing before he removed my hands from my face, making me look up to see him grinning at me. When he saw how red I was, he chuckled, pulling me to him, my head hitting his chest as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh God, Ki," he murmured, stroking my hair, his shoulders bobbing as he continued to snicker. Taking my hand, he brushed a strand of hair that had fallen onto my face. "You're beautiful, Ki," he uttered in a voice I never thought he had, "I hope you see it too someday."

All of a sudden, we were in his car. And I glanced around me in confusion.

"Hayden, what the . . . ?" I trailed off when he beamed at me.

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