22 | Broken Bones

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I had always wondered if all the books I've read were true, whether a kiss feels like 'time stopped' and you feel like 'floating.' And at that moment, it all proved to be right.

I felt like I was almost a foot above the ground. I couldn't hear anything but the rush of blood in my ear as my face heated up. His usual scent of soap and mint filled my nostrils, and all my thoughts came to a standstill.

Just as I was about to get lost in the moment, he retreated. It was short and ended so abruptly, but I was still feeling giddy. I was trembling with a mix of feelings. Feelings I never even knew I had in me.

I slowly opened my eyes, and they flickered up to meet his gaze. A gentle tinge of pink had arisen onto his cheeks. A sudden wave of shyness hit me as I felt my face get warmer. I buried my face in my hands, not wanting him to see it.

I heard him burst out laughing before he removed my hands from my face, making me look up to see him grinning at me. When he saw my face--or more precisely, my tomato cheeks--he chuckled, pulling me to him, my head hitting his chest as he threw his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh God, Ki," he murmured, stroking my hair, his shoulders bobbing as he continued to snicker.

"Stop laughing at me," I muttered against his chest.

That just made him laugh harder. "Do you know how red you are?" he implored, pulling back with his hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah, I feel it, okay? I know I'm red!" I scowled up at him and brought the back of my hand up to my left cheek; it was burning. He took my hand and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen onto my face.

"You're beautiful, Ki," he uttered in a voice I never thought he had, "I hope you see it too someday."

I stared up at him, and at that moment, I felt a strong feeling—a feeling of immense love. I always thought feelings were like temperatures; attraction was warm, anger was boiling, and love . . . well, that's a temperature best left under neutral. That's what I used to think. But now that I was experiencing it, I could understand how wrong I was.

There was a kindness in his smile, a gentleness. When he smiled at me, it felt like invisible hands wrapping around me, making me feel safe. And within that moment, I knew he might be my first, but what I really wished was for him to be my last.

Perhaps it was because he was the first guy to tell me I was beautiful. Ever since I was a kid, guys used to make fun of me, joke about me because I was too quiet. I was shy and all alone, so they must've thought I was easy to pick on. Maybe that was the reason I hated boys. Because they hurt me, scared me. Maybe that's why I vowed to never get into a relationship with one. And here I was; falling in love with one.

Oh, how I've grown.

We wandered for a few more minutes, my feet in step with his and his hand gripping mine tightly. I felt safe being with him like this; all my worries withered away.


"Thanks again for coming." Chloe hugged me tightly.

I smiled wide, hugging her back. "It's my pleasure! Thanks for inviting me!"

She returned my smile and turned to Hayden, punching him lightly on his shoulder. "Thank you, too!"

"Of course, I hope you act grown-up now, at least," he joked.

"Duh, I'm nineteen now!"

After all the goodbyes, we climbed into his white Corolla. He turned the key in the ignition, and the car roared to life.

"There's a box in the back seat," he said, his eyes on the road as the car glided swiftly along the road. "Can you get it?"

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