An unplanned supermarket haul...

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1 June 2020

I ran out of milk today. I had the last of it with two bowls of cereal this morning - Oops. I felt so full afterwards and it was barely 9am. Dairy makes me bloat pretty bad and feel so full and heavy. My stomach tricked me into thinking I needed that second bowl... oh well. So later this morning I went to the supermarket to get some more milk. Let's just say I ended up getting a bit more than the milk. When I got home, I was feeling a bit hungry already so I opened the chocolate ice cream I may or may not have gotten 😬. I felt a little ashamed of myself because I had tried to stop eating as much recently - I'm not sure if I want to gain more weight. Today I've been feeling a bit different and my stomach felt bottomless, so I binged a little. I finished the tub of ice cream, drank the 2L of coke and ate a chocolate cupcake I had also gotten. My belly was very sloshy and heavy and I sat there for a while just burping to relieve some tension. It was nearly midday at that point and I felt like such a pig. My belly felt more round and full than it had from breakfast. It was a bit sore, as I haven't stuffed in a while. I also haven't felt my belly push against my waistband like that in a while. But I just couldn't resist food today.

My feelings of today have lead me to share my journey to those that are interested. Please feel free to leave a comment, I will answer ❤️

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