Break day-ish

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June 9 2020

My belly hasn't been too happy today. The Chinese food last night really felt like I was going to explode. I was so goddamn full and inflated. My belly was so achey. This morning it feels empty and gurgly and still quite sore. Today I decided to take it easy, as much as I wanted to pack food into myself. It was interesting to see how much my appetite had grown. So before I began this dairy, I only allowed myself this much food in one day:

- one helping of breakfast
- one helping of lunch
- one helping of dinner
- sometimes some small snacks between meals

Today, I tried to stick to the amount I used to eat. I got some fruit loops cereal from the other day. I finished my bowl but then craved another one. I resisted my craving for 30mins and then gave in lol. My second bowl was a larger portion than my first. After finishing this bowl plus a glass of milk, I was feeling reasonably full. My belly became quite bloated from all the milk - about 1L. It felt very sore. My poor belly did not appreciate that. I didn't eat until lunch where I made two squares of ramen. I was feeling pretty hungry by lunch so got these down pretty easily. I was still hungry after so I smacked on some cookies, oreos and marshmallows until dinner. I'm now all out of oreos and I finished the whole pack of marshmallows without realising 😬. For dinner, I made mac n cheese. I tend to have this quite often because it's one of my favourites! I felt very hungry and started out by two portions. My belly was feeling a little better by this point. It was nice, round and full after my third helping... I decided to binge on ice cream, heavy cream and Nutella for dessert as I watched my show. I ate 1½ pints of ice cream, finished my last jar of Nutella, and had ¾ pint of heavy cream. I was so full and bloated, I had to pause my show to rub my poor aching belly. The evening is my favourite time of day to absolutely stuff myself. It feels so good sleeping on a huge bloated and stuffed belly. Today I ate nearly triple what I used to eat! My appetite is so big now, I get hungry quite quickly and need to feed my belly much more often.

My Weight Gain DiaryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ