Cake Challenge

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June 7 2020

Today at the supermarket I found a 12 inch chocolate cake for my challenge. It made my mouth water. I chose the one that looked like it had the most amount of frosting. I also got some other goodies of course, and some more heavy whipping cream. It tastes so good and I love the way it makes my belly bloat and feel airy, but feel stuffed and rock-heavy at the same time. I'm like an enormous cream puff when I fill myself with it hehe. I cut up the cake as soon as I got home because I couldn't wait to eat it! There were 8 slices I needed to eat. I sat in bed with Netflix on and the cake and a bottle of coke on my bedside table - for easy access. That way, I could subconsciously eat. I find this the best way to fit more into my belly. I took slice after slice. The frosting was very rich and thick. I started feeling quite stuffed on my fifth piece. I ignored this feeling and kept feeding myself, as I was really determined to finish the entire cake. I only had three pieces to go at this point anyway. I had to roll my yoga pants down as the waistband was pressing on my belly. I managed to finish the last pieces. I thought it would take me up until dinner time to finish the entire cake - my appetite is getting enormous! The fact that I had that entire cake stuffed inside my belly turned me on. I was so proud of myself. I had washed it all down with some soda, so my belly felt super full and extra swollen. There were cake crumbs everywhere - I'm becoming a fat messy piggy 🐷. I got up slowly to go weigh myself - i was feeling a little ill and stuffed to my limit. I weighed in at 194lbs! I'm certainly getting bigger. Minus the cake that weighed my gut down, I would be about 190-191lbs! I got hungry again in the evening, so I made 3 packets of ramen. I usually only make 2 but I wanted to see how much my appetite had grown. I was able to eat them all and I also had a little bit of heavy cream. I felt quite full, so I didn't eat for another 3-4 hours until dinner. I went out to a late dinner with a couple of my friends which was very fun. We went to a Chinese restaurant. This is what I ordered over the duration:

- Dumplings (it was a plate of 20 for quite cheap!)
- 3x cans of coke
- A side of pork fried rice

I definitely ordered and ate the most out of my friends. I started off by ordering a coke and the dumplings. Man it's so easy to stuff myself when I'm distracted by talking. I ate the whole lot of dumplings! I ended up finishing my coke and ordering another one about 10 dumplings in. Luckily I was wearing a dress, so I didn't have a waistband to worry about haha! It wasn't tight-fitting either, so I was free to eat as much as I wanted. My poor belly felt so stuffed and heavy, but I ordered another coke and the side of fried rice when one of my friends also ordered another dish. I took large spoonfuls of the rice as my friends talked. I didn't want them to notice so I tried to get it down as quickly as I could. I was so incredibly full and stuffed. I really had to force my belly to accept this stuffing, and I even thought it was all gonna come back up and I'd have to go to the bathroom to puke, but luckily I reclined a little and sat still and I was able to keep it down. If I threw it up, I would've had to make up for it and I'd just been through all that effort to fill my belly to it's limit. It's definitely stretching. Please scold me for being such a naughty girl, unable to resist piling food into herself 😛. One of my friends even made a comment about how much I ate. I pretended sorta not to have noticed and was like "oh wow you're right haha!". Meanwhile I was hiding a very taught belly underneath my coat. It felt like it was weighing me down. I realised when I got home that I hadn't had dessert, so after realising some burps I'd been holding in, I tucked into the rest of my Nutella. I used my fingers to scoop it into my mouth. Now I'm feeling so lazy and full and heavy. This big bloated gut is really weighing down on me and it's appetite is only getting bigger. I've really pushed my limits with all I have eaten today. Today's felt so long. I just want to list it all below to really see the amount I've packed into myself:

- 1 large bowl of cereal
- 1L of ice cream
- 1 L of creaming soda
- a 12" chocolate cake with frosting
- nearly 1 L of Coke
- 3 squares of ramen
- ¼ pint of heavy cream
- 20 dumplings
- Pork fried rice
- 3x cans of coke
- over half a large jar of Nutella

How the heck did I eat all that? 😂🐷. That's really insane. Can someone calculate how many calories that is? All that definitely explains why I've been feeling on the verge of bursting all day...
My belly's pretty sore and tired right now so I'd better go rest. Bye until tomorrow!

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