Soda chug

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June 8 2020

The beginning of today wasn't too eventful. I've been feeling the damage I did yesterday. When I woke up my belly was super gurgly and a bit sore. I only managed to eat one bowl of cereal for breakfast, as I wasn't feeling like I could eat another without feeling ill. I hope that one day that two large bowls of cereal will become my everyday breakfast, despite of how much I ate the previous day. I think I still ate enough today to make my belly grow however. I was feeling lazy so I made 3 packets of ramen for lunch - my stomach was feeling a little better by this point. I've really wanted to see how much soda I can squeeze into my belly in one sitting, so I let the ramen digest and then tried a soda chug before eating anything else. I got a 2L bottle of Fanta and set a stopwatch so I could time myself. I wanted to see how fast I could finish the whole bottle. It was super fizzy and made me burp so much. It inflated my belly quickly like a balloon. I was wearing my jeans and in no time, my belly pushed against the waistband. When I jiggled it, it was super sloshy. To fit the last portion of the soda in, I had to press down on my belly to force burps up to create more space. I tried to get it all in me without having to unzip my jeans. I should be able to do that right? But no, my belly has definitely done a lot of growing lately. I had to let it out of my jeans as it was really straining against them. It took me just under 13 mins to finish the entire bottle. I really had to push myself though. I don't think I could do it much faster than that lol. I was so airy and bloated and my belly was weighing down on me. That was nearly 4.5 lbs of liquid! I felt so full. I sat there for a bit, just breathing and rubbing my poor stomach. I then tried to button my jeans when I stood up, but it was difficult. I had to fight my belly. These jeans are already quite tight on me and so with an inflated gut, I could only just do them up. I had to push my flab in on either side, suck my stomach in (this didn't really do much as it was so bloated!) and then push the button through the hole. My belly even protruded a bit out of the unzipped part. I squished it and unzipped it up. It felt even more full being restricted by my pants. I kept it inside my jeans, sort of as a punishment for being such a fat wee pig. Today I really felt that I could potentially out grow my clothes quite easily within the next month...
I burped so much today omg. The soda made me so gassy. I was thinking about Chinese food for most of the day, so I decided to order some for dinner even though I had it last night. I was craving it hehe. I snacked a little since breakfast, but not a lot due to being bloated and sore. So naturally, I ordered a bit of a feast and let my belly decide what it wanted me to stuff it with. I got three pork buns, sweet & sour pork with rice, chow mein noodles, and a coke. So two full size meals plus three pork buns and a coke. I was starving 😂. When my food arrived, I decided to pig out on the couch. I sat with all my food open, surrounding me. I had to finish it all before I got off the couch. They were large portions, so I wasn't too sure to begin with. But I didn't think about it too much and just ate. I ate one pork bun before starting on the chow mein. I took big mouthfuls, wanting to make sure my belly was well-fed. Before I moved onto the sweet & sour pork, I sat back and pulled up my shirt to rub my belly. It was feeling the first meal a little. I drank some of my coke while I rubbed. I needed a little break before starting on the next bowl. I got quite focused on my show so I eventually finished the second bowl with a bit of a struggle. I just kept distracting myself and forcing mouthfuls down. I felt a little ill, with all this food packed into my chubby belly. I took another break as I still had two pork buns to eat. I'd finished my coke by this point. I managed to finish everything in under 2 ½ hours and man I am now incredibly stuffed. My belly hurts, it's so hard. Im laying on the couch for a bit more just to take in what I'd just done. I think that was more than I ate last night...

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