Work stuffing

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I was called in to work longer hours today so I ensured I had enough to eat beforehand. For breakfast I made myself pancakes 🥞. I ate 5 thick pan-size ones with some heavy cream. I was very full and my belly was very heavy after this. I had to sit and rub my poor belly afterwards. I don't think it expected me to stuff it with cream this early... Afterwards I had six pieces of chocolate slice and some more heavy cream, finishing the carton I was on. For lunch I may or may not have made more pancakes... I had a craving for sweet foods hehe. I was wearing my jeans and had to let my belly out in order to stuff the last couple of pancakes in. I felt enormous and my belly ached. Before I left for work, I cooked up some cheesy pasta and packed it into a large container. I wanted to try eat the whole thing in my break. I also filled my drink bottle with another carton of heavy cream. I think this is the only way I won't go hungry during work. I'm not sure what I'll do if my appetite grows any bigger. Also my belly is getting jigglier as it stretches from my massive appetite, especially when I sit down. It's very noticeable and I have a persistent muffin top regardless of what I do to try hide it. I have these black pants to wear for work and I really had to squeeze my chubby growing gut into them today due to all the stuffing I did earlier. I'm not sure how I feel about that as I don't want to ask for another pair from work so soon after getting these ones. But I could maybe buy some similar ones at the mall. In my work uniform, I looked at myself in the mirror and the damage was pretty obvious but I had to leave. I had to jog a bit on my way as I was running a little bit late. I got out of breath very quickly. All this recent fat was really weighing me down. This is the first time I've run since I started binging on food, and I noticed my belly and boobs were quite bouncy. My belly is definitely forming a flabby hang very quickly. So by the time my break came around, I was feeling a bit hungry. Today I had 20 minutes to eat all the pasta and cream I brought. I ate very quickly but slowed down towards the end. The heavy cream was the hardest part to get down. But I managed to do it 😁. I'm so proud of myself. I had to wash it all down with a glass of water. After all that I went and sat in the bathroom for about 10 minutes as I was extremely bloated and had to let out some burps. My belly was protruding nearly out of my work shirt. I didn't dare undo my pants as I knew I wouldn't be able to do them up again without a fight. My shirt only just covered my bludging gut. Luckily I had an apron to wear. I got back to work and struggled a little to walk around the tables and stuff without my belly aching. I guess this is what I get for being such a piggy. I hadn't felt this huge at work before. One of my coworkers gave me a weird look as I adjusted my shirt under my apron. I was only trying to cover my round belly :). If I was someone's feedee I'd be very submissive haha. As I walked home after work, I got out of breath. It's an uphill walk going home, so it's going to get more challenging if I keep gaining weight. I was sweating by the time I got home. For a late dinner I ate the remaining pasta that I couldn't fit in the container. Then I proceeded to binge on sweet food. I had a tub of chocolate ice cream, some oreos and some more chocolate slice. I had the strongest craving for sweet food today lol. I'm here now washing it down with some remaining soda. I'm feeling a little ill from all this unhealthy food but I know it will be worth it. My belly feels so stretched and it's bloating as I drink more soda. It's sitting heavy and plump in my lap. My stretch marks are making more of an appearance. I guess that's a result of me constantly stuffing myself full and stretching my belly so much. My thighs are also showing stretch marks and they're getting very pudgy. Lots of cellulite to show for the amount of heavy cream I've consumed too. I better make my way to bed now :)

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