Sleepover Pt. 1: Grace Needs Her Chicky Nuggies

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'I'm not having a sleepover with these idiots. It's. Not. Happening.'

"Aw come on, Gracie." Gray begged with something along the lines of puppy dog eyes. "Think of it as team bonding." I arched an eyebrow.

'Team bonding my arse.'

"First off: who said we were a team?" I began jokingly, but the guys obviously thought I was being serious. The guys all simultaneously sucked in a breath, but I ignored it and continued. "And secondly, I don't plan on losing sleep all because of you three imbeciles." Grayson pouted at me and stuck out his bottom lip like a child.

"Pweaseeee." He begged and I rolled my eyes.

'Did he honestly think that would work?'

"No, Gray. Now bugger off and go back to your own home." I ordered. A very stupid part of me was tempted to say yes and let them stay, but the smarter part of my brain knew that it was a terrible idea.

'Thank goodness for the intelligent part of my brain.'

"You're really going to send us out in the dark, cold and alone?" Gray asked, still pouting and my resolve began to weaken.

'Bruh. You have taken down men triple your size, but you can't say no to those blasted puppy dog eyes?' My brain scolded. I ignored Gray and faced John.

"John. Come on. Back me up." I pleaded, knowing he was the sensible one. But John simply looked at my discomfort, amused.

"I don't know, Grace. It's really cold out." John mocked and I glared at him.

Oh, he was so dead.

"Yeah, Grace. Please. It's freezing out." Ben piped up and I wanted to strangle the three of them.

'They are going to be the death of me.'

"Bloody hell." I muttered to myself and pinched the bridge of my nose as I considered my options. After a moment of quiet, I caved. "Fine!" 

'I give up.'

"Yes!" Gray exclaimed. "Woo-hoo!" I picked up Coop and held him in my arms as I stood up.

"I'm letting you stay, but there are some ground rules." I informed sternly and the guys all nodded.

"One: you get to stay one night, no more." 

They nodded once again. 

"Two: I swear to whatever god you think will save your sorry arse, if you so much as break the smallest thing in this house, I am going to castrate the three of you, got it?" I threatened and they all nodded their heads for the third time.

"Yes ma'am." They saluted in unison and I rolled my eyes.

"And number three: none of you go into my or my grandparents' room. They're private and off-limits. If you do, I am going to strangle you in your sleep and throw you out the window. Capisce?" I finished seriously and the guys nodded hastily for the fourth time.

"You got it." Ben agreed firmly.

"Understood." John said adamantly, making a small smile tug on my lips.

However, Grayson apparently had a death wish and muttered, "No promises."

"What was that, Grayson?" I asked, my tone hard. His head snapped up and he regarded me fearfully.

"Yes ma'am. I said yes ma'am." He corrected hastily and I raised an eyebrow.

"Sure Gray. Sure." I mocked and put Coop down. "So all that's left is to decide what's for dinner." I declared as I put my bowl in the sink. John did the same and I refrained from taking a deep inhale of his cologne.

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