18~ Playoffs

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It's the first week of the playoffs. The whole school as filled with streamers and decorations. Almost every student was wearing school colors, some of them going crazy with paint and temporary tattoos.

"Wow" I said as I walked into school hand in hand with Alex.

Things have been a little bit awkward since we were caught and he told me he loved me. Nothing bad has happened, we've been just a little bit distant.

"Yeah Howell High School take playoffs very seriously" He chuckled from beside me.

We found the rest of the boys and Delilah. I was surprised to see Briar hugging Del from behind.

"Hey Bri what are you doing here?" I asked as we came up to the group.

"Came to see Del, before I headed to classes this morning." He kissed the top of Del's head.

"Cute" I smiled at the couple. "So what are we talking about?"

"The game tonight" Jas answered.

"It's going to be packed" Alex said.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Ash held his stomach.

He's never nervous for anything, especially a football game. If anything, He's ten times more cocky.

"Don't be bro, we're gonna win this thing" Alex let go of my hand and clapped his twin on the back.

"Hell yeah we are" A smile broke out of Silas's face as he and the rest of his brother cheered together.

Students gave us weird looks as they walked by, but none of us cared. Every one of us had a smile on our face.

"Yo Briar, what are you doing her man?" A senior, I can't remember his name, from the football team greeted Briar with the bro hug thing.

"Ay Eric, came to see my girl" His arm wrapped protectively around her waist.

"Noted I'll make sure everyone knows to back off" He jokingly smiled at Bri. "You coming to the game tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

The warning bell rang and we dispersed into our different directions. Briar kissed Del goodbye and waved to all his brothers. Ashton Silas and I were the only ones left.

"Aspen can I talk to you for a second?" Silas asked me.

"Yeah of course." I answered and turned to Ashton, "Meet you there?" I questioned and he nodded before walking in the direction of our class. "What's up?"

Silas looked nervous and slightly embarrassed.

"I'm thinking of asking Layla to be my girlfriend?" He said but it came out like a question.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"Well her mom's really strict and I don't know if she'll let her date or even if Layla wants to be my girlfriend, she could just want to be my friend."

"Calm down Silas, she likes you, you know that" I place my hands on his shoulders, squaring him to me.

"I do?" He looked up at me.

Poor kid was so nervous, he forgot how close him and Layla are to each other. It's pretty obvious that they like each other.

"Yes Silas she likes you, she'll say yes and if she can't then wait for her. Don't let yourself ruin everything by not asking her."

His shoulders relaxed under my hands. I clapped which caused Silas jump a little bit.

"Okay, now ask her out tonight at the game, but make it special. Don't just blurt it out, take her someplace a little away from everybody and ask her to be your girlfriend."

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