Chapter 14

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A week passed by in a blur. During that time, I made myself fade in the background. In other words, I pretty much vanish when Queen Elizabeth or her snob of a daughter come around. How? It wasn't hard really, given my acting skill and pronounced lying habit, it was easy as pie. I just had to act here and there, hide behind someone, fake a stomach ache or headache from time to time most especially on Mrs. Wales class (Sorry Mrs. Wales but the bitches were always there).

The reason why I hid myself for a while was so I could focus on my other classes, and learn about the ways of the academy. It was like a recharge for me, and at the same time I was doing what my dad told me, 'avoid Queen Elizabeth'.

Carlos wasn't easily fooled though, he knew what I was doing and would always shake his head in disapproval. He said that Mrs. Wales' class was one of the most important classes for girls such as myself. He also said that he'd been hearing from Mrs. Wales regarding why she wasn't seeing her clumsiest student anymore. I told him my bountiful reasons and he agreed, well almost.

I also learned that since I wasn't born a princess after I graduated here I would earn the title of 'lady-in-waiting'. It's the person who was always next to the queen, like her first servant, or something like that. I laughed at the thought, I bet my dad would be laughing his head off right now if I told him. I mean me being a lady almost didn't suit at all. But I wouldn't mind serving Ria or Nessa in the near future.

This past week, I barely saw Prince Lucas and Prince Eric as well. They were probably busy with their princely duties, I heard they get out of the school almost everyday. Though occasionally I would bump into Lucas and we would say our hellos and how are yous. Sometimes we would chat for awhile. He was almost like a big brother that would always check on me. It was nice. Too bad I still don't remember how we've met.

As for Gavier. . .well as usual, he was tormenting the hell out of me.

"Why do you always have to hold my hand?" I asked. I could feel the glares coming my way, people whispering in the hallway with judging looks.

"Because I want to," he replied casually.

"Well I don't want to." I tried to take my hand away but he clung on tighter, making me feel jumpier than ever.

"Why not?"

"You're asking me why?" I asked furiously, "Do you know how many hates I've been getting from your fans lately. Every time I get to my locker, it's always filled with hate letters. And guess what's in those letters. Death threats Gavier, death threats." I shivered, remembering reading some of them. They were very threatening, I tell you.

"So? I don't care." He shrugged casually as if it wasn't such a big deal at all.

Wow, so he doesn't care if I actually die?! This jerk!

"You're impossible!" I stepped on his foot hard.

"Ow-shit!" He finally let go of my hand as I snubbed my head away, walking away from him.

"Clarissa." There was something in his voice that sounded very dangerous. I felt goosebumps all over me in an instant.

I turned around and swallowed. He was glaring at me and his glare looked different somehow. It was literally telling me 'You're fucking dead bitch'.

Crap. Time to get out of here.

I only got three steps away before he caught me by the waist tightly. "You naughty girl, you need punishment," he whispered in my ear making my heart race.

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