Chapter 41

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We're nearing the end and I want to cry. ;( Don't worry there are still about 10-9 chapters as well. I'll be doing exams soon so I'm updating sooner. Please give 110 votes and 80 comments for this chappy and also PLEASE READ MY STORY: 'THE WILD SEARCH'. Thanks! It would really mean a lot. xD


Chapter 41

I don't remember what time it was when I woke up. Gavier was there, looking at me with a worried face and it felt good to have him by my side.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I don't know," I said with a hoarse voice. I could feel my throat clog up and my eyes brim with tears once again.

My dad is an assassin. He killed my real parents. He killed them. . . Would he have killed me too? Then why didn't he?

I felt myself being embraced. "It's going to be alright, I know you'll make the right decision," Gavier said to my ear and nuzzled his head at the nape of my neck.

I began to sob. "I-I don't know anymore. I just wished this never happened. I wished I never c-came and got to kn-know the tru-truth. I wish--"

Gavier clamped my mouth shut, he looked pained. "And never have met me? Is that what you want to say?"

"I-I didn't mean that," I quickly said, as my eyes widened. Would I? Would I trade to be ignorant than meeting these wonderful people?

Dad, what should I do? At these times, you were the one I go to. Your teachings tell me the answer but how could I now? How could I, when I question your past? Who are you Dad? Are you really what they say you are?

"I'll always be near your heart," He said with so much sincerity, it almost killed me.

Who should I believe? I don't know anymore.

"Clarissa," Gavier pulled me out of my thoughts and made me face him, "You're the strongest woman I've ever met. You're smart and fucking beautiful. Don't give up now. And don't make me change my opinion of you. There's always something better to do than just cry and wallow yourself with pity." His eyes looked straight at mine.

My heart suddenly felt at ease. I leaned to peck him on the lips and stood up as I wiped my tears away. No more, no more crying.

"You're right Gavier, I have to think of a solution," I said with a determination and hit my palm with a fist like a judge. "I shouldn't just cry here."

"B-but I don't know where to start," my voice suddenly faded, its enthusiasm no longer present.

"Think of all the things he taught you. Surely he would have left some clues," Gavier suggested smartly.

That's right. Clues. In the past, did he tell me something of importance? Nope, not that I remember. How about now? What was the last thing that he said to me?

I felt a pair of lips kissing my forehead and saw Gavier leaving, saying that he'd see what he could do about his father.

Right, back to dad. He said something weird. With my keen observation, I felt an instinct that there was a hidden meaning of what he had said to me. What was it again?

"I'll always be near your heart."

Near my heart? He never said that before. It should be in my heart. That's fucking it!

I felt my chest and got a hold of my pendant. He had to be talking about this. It was the only thing near my heart. I quickly took it off and studied the blue pendant. There was a small clutch and I quickly found a way to open it. I gasped at the content; it was a very small microchip, almost half the side of my pinky nail.

I quickly ran to the boy's dormitory. There's only one person who could show me the contents. Prince Levi, where are you?

I asked one of the boys and he showed me the way. The door of his room was open so I didn't waste a second of coming in.

"Clarissa, what the heck are you doing here?" He was only wearing boxers, and his hair was disheveled as if he had just woken up. He wasn't even wearing his glasses and without it, he looked even more handsome.

"Levi, please, I need you to do something for me. It's very urgent."

He turned serious and put on his glasses. "Anything for you princess."

I quickly explained about how I found the microchip. He took it from me and said it would take him about 10 minutes to crack it. I decided to come back to my room so that people wouldn't get suspicious and told him to come there as soon as he deciphered it.

He agreed and opened the door for me. I quickly went outside and bumped into Jarvis. For the first time, his face looked serious, and he wasn't smiling like the creep he was.

"Queen, I heard about your distress. Do you want me to bomb this academy? Coz I would do it in a blink of an eye," he said, his eyes piercing through mine.

"Jarvis, I don't want you to bomb anything. Now's not the time for jokes. My dad is in pain, and they might kill him. I have to do something fast before that happens. I have to know the truth."

"And what's the truth?"

"I don't know." I began walking in a fast pace, and Jarvis easily caught up with my speed. He was tall, about 6.3 so it wasn't a problem.

My problem though was him. Right now, I'm really suspicious of everyone. "Trust no one but yourself," my dad once said.

"Jarvis, why are you calling me queen? Did you perhaps know that I was the missing princess which was why you're treating me like one? What do you want from me?"

He looked taken aback with my questions but he quickly masked it. I sensed gloom and depression. He frowned as he looked at me. "You're different. You're not scared of me. You accept the way I am. You're a true queen, fair and kind to everyone."

I gasped, not knowing how highly he thought of me.


"It's okay, I know I'm creepy. Everybody says so, even my parents are freaked out about me. They even tried to kill me." He laughed but I could sense pain, unbearable pain. "My brother was the only one I could talk to but with the influence of my freaked out parents, he stabbed me in my sleep. Of course it felt good, it told me I was still alive and since I was, I put the castle into flames.It was fun, really fun." His eyes glistened with the memory. "They decided to put me here and I think that was the best decision they've ever made for me. Because in here, I met Gavier, Levi, the twins, and you."

I stopped and embraced him. I thought I was the only one having a problem here. Jarvis knew his parents hated him but he was still here, fighting, surviving, striving.

Jarvis tensed at first. It was probably the first time someone ever hugged him but slowly he wrapped his arms around me. I hated him in the beginning but for some reason, with his weirdness and creepiness he had slowly found a soft place in my heart. He was like a little brother who'd always get into trouble and I would always have to watch out for him.

I decided then that I would take care of this crazy guy despite the anomaly I'm facing now. Call me crazier, but that's me.

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