Chapter 47

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Here's your other chapter my lovelies! 

And the track for this chapter is 'Drag me down' by none other than one direction. I used to think they were okay now I think they're cool! I love that song!

Omgee! Almost 80k reads guys! If I could just invite you all to a party to celebrate, that would be awesome!

Chapter 47

(Don't forget to play 'Drag me down' now)

When the airplane was steady Mrs. Wales showed up in front of us, haughty and all. She was being locked away too? Oh no, Mr. Hitler's gonna blow up the whole world.

But at least she was okay, all in one piece, except for the scratches on her elbows. She ordered us to get dressed and brought the whole wardrobe with her. She called for Nessa to help her choose and hand the dresses and suits as we all groaned. I mean wouldn't it be cooler to come in the party all dirty and stuff?

But no one wanted to argue with the strong teacher especially when we all knew she was Mr. Hitler's woman.

Nessa gave me a silver dress, with glitters and matching hoops of earrings. Then she gave me a red long jacket which had lotus flowers designed on it. It was very beautiful.

I changed quickly behind the curtains that we temporarily made. There were snickers and screams. Boys. I rolled my eyes.

When I went out I saw Mrs. Wales pinching two of the princes' ears. Haha! She really looks like a mother.

I laughed and sat back on my seat. Gradually eveyone sat down as well and we softly and safely landed.

The door opened and I rushed to the door first. "Guys, you know what to do." I told everyone and they nodded grimly.

Thankfully the church wasn't so far. People on the streets were looking at us weirdly. I wouldn't blame them. There were a lot of us.

I breathed in deeply as the twins opened the big wooden door of the church and like trained soldiers we marched in.

You should have seen Queen Elizabeth's face, it was so paled she looked she was about to die. Well your death is about to come in prison.

She was on the stage with the pastor, holding on the mike and judging by everyone's faces she had been blackmailing them. The most furious looking face of all of them was Mr. Hitler and that looked reallg scary. She should know not to mess with Hitler guy's woman.

"Attention! Attention!" Keith shouted through the megaphone. What!? Why is he the one doing the announcement? Where's Prince Levi?

I looked around and found him being embraced by his family. I see, he's found them.

"Hey queen bitch! We're all here so burn in your face! Coz you ain't taking what's not yours. Good luck in prison, hope you rot until you die!"

There were whoops and I could see their parents' relieved faces. Most of them were crying too. Students from everywhere began to ran to their beloveds and I felt a pang of jealousy. I wanted to hug my dad but he told me earlier that he'd be calling Grayson to see where they are, thus he was out.

"I can't accept this!!" The queen raged, her eyes glared at me. "You! You did this! You ruined everything!! I'm going to kill you!!"

My back was turned at her so it took me awhile to turn around and by that time, she was two steps away from me. I was about to be stabbed by a knife but someone suddenly stepped before me and pushed me down.

I felt blood trickling on my arm as I sat up. There was a thud and a body fell beside me. There were screams but I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't even breathe. My eyes widened at the man's identity before me.

"Carlos!" I gasped and went to him. All around me was a blur and I distinctly heard the queen being put down but it didn't matter.

"Why Carlos? Why?!" I cried, tears were falling down my face as my heart clenched with pain.

Why did he save me?

He coughed out blood as he covered the bloody wound with his hand. Smirking at me, he took a lock of my hair and twirled it with his hand.

"I'll only ever serve one genuine Queen," he said as he smiled, tears falling at the edge of his eyes.

"No!! Carlos, please stay with me!! Don't die! Carlos!" I held on his arm, crying.

But it was impossible to tempt with fate. His eyes closed and his hand slowly disentangled from my hair and fell down with a thud.

I screamed, fury burst through my body as I stood up and charged at the queen. I'll kill her! I'll kill her! She deserves to die!!

Someone wrapped his arms around my waist, stopping me. "Let go of me!! I'm going to kill her!!" I struggled to get out of the man's hold.

"Shhh, Clarianne it's okay. Relax, you're not thinking straight," I heard Gavier say but it wasn't enough for me to stop thrashing around.

"No don't do this! Please Gavier if you ever loved me you'll let me go right now! Please!"

"No!" He growled. "If I ever loved you then I'm not letting you go. If I ever loved you, I would do this."

He turned me around quickly and kissed me hard, somehow making me forget everything, somehow telling me that everything would be alright. But it won't.

My body became weak and my brain fuzzy. I felt numb to the core, not knowing what I was feeling anymore. It's too much.

My eyes rolled back and once again I was welcomed in the world of darkness.

Whoah, intense much. :0
;( Oh no Carlos! ;( ;( ;(((((((

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