Chapter 16

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"Nessa!" I gasped out loud as my eyes opened seeing the green forest before me.

What happened?

I was leaning on the tree, sitting up. I felt my left shoulder throbbing in pain. I looked at it and it was bandaged but I was fine anywhere else. I couldn't remember anything and my head was hurting. I remembered the explosion, the heat, the cave crumbling, me shouting at Nessa-

Shit. Where is Nessa? And Ria?

I looked beside me and sighed in relief. I couldn't explain how happy I was to see Ria and Nessa leaning against the tree, deep in slumber, their chests rising as they breath slowly and heavily. They looked absolutely okay, just dirty like myself but no injury whatsoever which reminds me-how the hell did I get this injury? I touched it with my right hand and winced, it hurt like hell. Ugh. Well, it could have been worse, thanks to whoever saved us.

"Guys, Wake up!" I shook my friends up. We had to continue the race. The sun was still up, so I'm pretty sure we still have time.

Ria groggily opened her eyes, then seeing me with the forest, she bolted upright immediately. "Shit, are you okay?" She hugged me and I returned it tightly with only my right arm though. I was so glad to see her beautiful gray eyes again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, how about you?"

"I don't really know," she said touching her head, "My head freaking hurts."

"W-what happened?" Nessa's voice snapped our attention towards her.

"Nessa!" Ria and I both cried as we hugged her.

She started crying suddenly as she wrapped her arms around us. Fear, anxiety and relief were evident on her face. "I-I remember now," she began, "Y-you saved us Clarissa."

"Yes you did, thank you Clarissa," Ria added as she tightened her arms around the three of us.

For a moment we stayed like that, in each other's arms. But of course, being me, I had to ruin that beautiful, and comfortable silence.

"Okay guys, it's really creeping me out. How the hell did I save you guys? I don't remember doing it."

They both laughed as we let go of each other's arms.

"You pushed us behind a big rock before the bomb exploded," Nessa explained, her eyes wide, reliving her memory.

"Then there were men wearing tight black suits with masks on who covered us, I think they're the bodyguards who's always following us. But then you were too near the explosion, you went sideways and covered your head in your arms, that's why you have this." Ria patted my arm gently, not touching my injury.

I remembered it now, it was just as they said. Those men who saved us literally came out of nowhere then covered us from the explosion as they carried us outside. Fortunately we weren't that far from the opening.

I stood up, looking behind, and saw the big debris of rocks piled up on each other. It really seemed like something detonated it and we could have died, probably squashed somewhere in there if it weren't for those bodyguards or ninjas. I balled my fists, anger seeping into me. Prince Jarvis, you're dead meat.

Out of a sudden I felt something big and fluffy touch my shoulder. I turned around immediately and my eyes widened at the sight of the big, and beautiful creature before me.

"Oh my god it's the bear!" Nessa cried excitedly. And surely it was the bear Nessa talked about earlier, the one who would guide you to the finish line if you ever come across it.

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