Chapter 44

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I feel like I should put you guys out of your suspense soon. . .or put you more into suspense. Sorry but we're nearing the end so it had to be like this. ;)

Please vote and what you think. I'll update the next few chapters once I get 100+ for this chapter and my previous ones.

And don't forget to check out my new book: THE WILD SEARCH. Thank you and happy reading. ♥♥♥

Chapter 44

We were locked up in our rooms. I was almost panicking as I walked across the room, and massaging my temples at the same time. Having thought of nothing, I slumped myself on the bed.

"It's tomorrow, my coronation," I said at nobody in particular. Ria and Nessa looked at me, frowning.

"I'm sorry Clarianne, this is horrible," Nessa cried and began sobbing again.

"That's enough Nessa. Crying's not going to solve anything," Ria consoled her as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't. . .I don't know what to do," I said defeatedly.

"What do you mean you don't know what to do?" Nessa gasped, "Surely there's something, anything we can do to stop this."

" I tried Ria, but everything goes to a deadend. If we managed to beat up all the guards we'd still be stuck here because of the damn metal walls." I frowned as I gazed at the thick walls before the gates.

"Jarvis could bomb that thing, I'm pretty sure."

"I don't think so, it's pretty thick. But I'll think for other ideas, you think too. Let's not give up."

I'll save you dad and Gavier. Just wait for me. I'll free both of you.

Dinner came and we still couldn't think of a way out. I was on the verge of giving up when our door opened and inside came Levi, Jarcis, Lucas, Eric, Princess Livana, and Princess Ellaria.


"Don't underestimate us. They're weak," Eric boasted and showed us his biceps.

"One fainted when I showed him my bombs," Jarvis said before he laughed like a maniac. He was carrying a big bag which I presumed was his collection of bombs. Good thing they haven't confiscated it.

"So what's the plan?" Levi asked.

"Please tell me it's not going to harm any of us," Lucas added.

"Fuck, tell us." Livana sat on the bed with me.

"Do you have any cookies?"

"We do have an idea to beat up the guards but we can't think of a way to get out of this academy. The walls are so thick, I don't think Jarvis' bomb is going to work," I told them.

Nessa and Ria gave everyone snacks which was their secret stash of cookie. Princess Ellaria was the happiest person in the room in that moment.

"There's a way--the sky." Levi smiled knowingly.

"You don't mean--"

"Yasss!!" Jarvis interrupted while everyone gave us confused looks.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't tell me we're going to use the airplane to get out of here." I looked at Levi as if he was crazy.

He only smiled back smugly. "I know how to run it and I can hack the system as easy as I can recite my multiplication tables."

Why is there so many of these cocky princes?

"That's actually a great idea bro. It would also make us go to the church, where the coronation would be, faster." Lucas patted Levi at the back.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's do it!" Eric stood up excitedly making Ria roll her eyes at his over enthusiasm.

"Fuck wait! Don't we need a fucking plan first to free all the bitches?" Livana stopped us.

"You're right and I have just the plan." I smirked.

We planned for the rest of the night then they sneaked back to their rooms early in the morning. The queen would be leaving in the afternoon for the coronation party and that's the time we would commence the plan.

Just you wait Queen Elizabeth, you think you got us? Don't underestimate the future kings and queens of this world. We're going to strike back, twice as hard, twice as brutal, twice as deadly.

Well that was short I know. The next chapter will be long though and I'll be posting it later. So, see ya guys then. ;)


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