Chapter Two

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Pulling off the highway, they begin gathering their necessities, tossing them into back packs and slinging them over their shoulders.

Harry keeps his hand on Louis' shoulder as he follows behind him, all five boys trailing down the aisle of the bus to the door up front.

As each boy dismounts from the bus, they're handed a piece of paper with their fake name and room number on it in order to check in.

Once all boys had gotten their assignments and were standing in a huddle on the hot pavement of the parking lot, their hoods up and faces disguised, they exchange room numbers.

"Ahh no!" Harry whines, looking at everyone's slip of paper. "I'm with Zayn."

"Wow, thanks mate. Love you too." Zayn remarks sarcastically before slugging him in the shoulder.

"You know that's not what I mean." Harry sighs. "I can't fuck you."

Liam groans, Louis' face coloring quickly as Niall gives Harry's curls a rough yank.

Zayn snorts. "You wish."

"Sometimes I think you're a little too comfortable with us." Liam shakes his head, trying to hide his grin.

"I'm just myself around you." Harry defends himself, his voice a little softer than before as his feet turn in towards each other embarrassedly.

"Yeah and we love it. Don't listen to Lima, he's just jealous he doesn't have any junk to twerk." Niall reassures Harry with a goofy grin and an elbow to Liam's gut.

"I do too have junk!" Liam interjects, and Niall opens his mouth to argue back.

"As fun as the idea of listening to Harry complain about not rooming with Louis sounds," Zayn interrupts sarcastically, "we should just switch rooms and tell management we got confused if they say anything. Louis, you're with Liam, so Liam can room with me and Harry go to Louis' room."

Louis accepts the offer happily, snaking his arm around Harry's waist.

They turn and head towards the entrance, security flocking them as they go.

Ahead of them, Harry can hear Niall grumbling about how he hates rooming alone and how Liam and Zayn are 'fighting' about who gets the window side of the room.

Rushing into their hotel room, Harry and Louis toss their things on the floor and shut the thin blinds, so light can seep into the room but camera lenses can't.

It's a nice room, decently large with two full sized beds against the long wall, a tv on a stand against the opposite wall. The window is large, light shining through nicely. An ornate mirror on one of the short walls (the wall between the bathroom and one of the beds) gives a clear view of the rest of the room. Looking into it, Harry can see Louis on the other side of the area unbuckling his belt and tossing it messily on the floor.

"It's a good thing security got distracted by that group of girls or they probably would've noticed we didn't go to the right rooms." Louis comments, kicking off his shoes and flopping on the bed.

"Yeah." Harry sighs, dropping down next to him. "I wish we could go back in time to when it didn't even matter who roomed with who as long as the band stuck together. It was so much more fun then, when security wasn't up our asses 24/7."

"It was easier, but that was before we were dating. I wouldn't want to go back to a time where I couldn't kiss you." Louis disagrees, rolling over to Harry's side of the bed and cuddling next to him.

"That's true, I guess." Harry turns on his side, propping his head up on his hand and looking lovingly at the boy before him. "Wish we could have both. Hotel freedom and love life freedom."

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