Chapter Nine

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Finally, finally, Harry could see Louis again. It had only been about a day, but it felt like months without his boyfriend.

Niall hops onto the luggage trolley with his and Harry's suitcases and Harry begins running them down the hall. Steering the pair around the corners, Harry digs his heels into the carpet in front of the elevator, sending Niall stumbling off and into the wall.

In the lobby, the boys get ushered outside and into the large tour bus. It isn't a very discreet mode if transportation, considering it has their faces plastered on it.

Security begins lugging their bags into the storage compartment and Harry runs for the door.

Racing up the steps, he spins into the aisle. His arms open wide to keep his balance while charging down the narrow path, he runs face first into Louis, who pops up from a seat. Their arms wrap around each other, Louis' face burying itself in Harry's neck as Harry gingerly kisses the top of his head.

"Missed you." Harry mumbles against the feathery strands of hair.

"I missed you too. I really wanted you with me last night." Louis smirks mischievously up at Harry, who's eyes are squinted suspiciously.

"A'right, outta the way, boys! Zayn said he brought bacon from the hotel breakfast!" Niall barrels down the aisle, barely giving the couple enough time to dodge out of the way.

Louis shoves Harry backwards, jumping after him and barely clearing the aisle in time. Feeling Niall's wind trail behind him, Louis turn back to Harry, who's laying awkwardly on his back, his neck bent so he can see his boyfriend.

"Sorry. Didn't think we wanted to become victims of a hungry Niall again." Louis smirks down at the boy, only then realizing he's comfortably straddling his thighs.

"No it's fine, just..." Harry glances pointedly at Louis' hand, which had caught the majority of his weight when he toppled onto the seat.

"Oh-" Louis retracts his palm from Harry's crotch quickly, looking sheepishly at the curly haired boy beneath him.

"Are you trying to get me all flustered before the interview?" A smirking Harry asks, getting slapped lightly across the face.

Reaching up, Harry pulls Louis down into a cuddle, his arms wrapping around his neck in a clingy fashion. To be fair, the blue eyed boy has no issue with that whatsoever. 


"Ready for the interview?"

"No. They're gonna drill us about the kiss."

"Maybe not. Management probably told them to leave it alone."

Harry's laying with his head on Louis' lap, looking up at him as the scenery changes rapidly behind him. Blue and green streak past the brown-haired head through the window, but the only blue Harry cares about is holding his green.

Louis' fingers gently massage Harry's scalp, tangling in the curls and tugging free.

"I doubt management told them not to ask about it. Why would they tell us to deny everything if there isn't going to be anything to deny?"

"I wish we didn't have to deny it at all." Harry takes Louis' free hand in his hands, examining it thoroughly, separating each finger and playing with them. After a minute, he rests it on his cheek, and Louis caresses his face softly.

"Your hand's really warm."

"It's cause I'm so hot." Louis jokes, pulling a funny face that makes Harry burst out laughing.

"You are hot. I can't argue with that. It's nice." Harry agrees, closing his eyes and appreciating the warmth between the two.

"I do what I can. I figure I can spare some heat for the people who aren't as hot as me."

Golden // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now