What comes next.

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The tape ended and it left the Loud Siblings with a bitter taste in their mouths. Some were hopeful about their brother, but others had already buried the hatchet and didn't want to risk getting hurt again.

The silence however was interrupted by the sound of Lori's phone in vibration mode. It was her mother, calling about Lily's stuff.

"Thirteen calls?! Shoot!" Lori.

The teenager quickly called her mother and spoke briefly.

"Sorry mom, we got sidetracked with HIM." Lori.

"*GASPS* Do the rest know?" Rita.

"Yes, mom. We've been seeing his tapes for a while now." Lori.

"Did you see the last one?" Rita.

"Yes, and I'd like to talk about that one." Lori.

"Fine, but please bring Lily's stuff first." Rita.

"I know, I'll be there soon." Lori.

They hung up and Lori went to pick Lily's stuff again and entered Vanzilla, just that the van was filled with her siblings.

"What are you doing?" Lori.

"We kina don't want to be left in the house for now so, can we go to the hospital with you?" Lincoln.

"Alright, I hope you've brought money because we'll most likely have to eat chips from vending machines for dinner." Lori.

They all nod and make their way towards the hospital. Once they arrived, Lori went towards Lily's room with her stuff while the rest of the Loud siblings waited on the parking lot.

"So......... what's the chance of him being out there?" Lola.

"Lola!" Lana.

"Well, excuse me for asking what's on everyone else's mind." Lola.

"I have mixed emotions about this, Brahs." Luna.

"Yeah, even I'm not feeling like telling a joke." Luan.

"Lisa, what do the numbers say?" Lincoln.

"Well, taking into account that he was tired, injured, and lacked at the very least a liter of blood, I wouldn't be so hopeful about it." Lisa.

"But wait! What happened to you guys after he threw you over the fence?" Lana.

"After that, we all ran into a random direction until we somehow made it into a family's home." Lynn.

"Thankfully, the whole movie crap was over and the family called the police and we got in their custody." Luna.

"The worst part was that when we asked about what happened to Lukas, they all said that his body was never found." Luan.

"It was like, a glitter of hope that kept us waiting for him every day." Leni.

"Glimmer, Leni, not glitter." Lucy.

"So, Lukas' body was never found and the police just gave him for dead, right?" Lana.

"Yes, we waited for three whole months for the police investigation but we ended up disappointed and heartbroken when it was declared a closed case with him dead." Luan.

"Man, that sucks." Lana.

"Yeah." Luna.

A few minutes of silence later, Lori came back and entered the car.

"Ok so, mom and dad will spend the night here, as I've already said before, but they asked if you'd like to do the same?" Lori.

They all silently nodded.

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