6 • A Deadly Slumber

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~~RUBY 2.0 POV~~

"Okay... you can go ahead and wake up Pencil." I whisper back. She then walks to Pencil's side of the bed while pointing the flashlight to her neck, before...reaching in to her pocket? What is she doing?

After a very short while, she took out...something. In my perspective, she was standing sideways so I can't see her other side, which has the hand that is holding the thing from the pocket. I can only see her flashlight.

She then held it tightly and made a stabbing motion on to Pencil. Wait... WHAT IS SHE HOLDING??

I stand on my toes to get a better look, and it was a...knife. A LITERAL. GEMMING. KNIFE. Oh my gemstone...

I watch in horror as she repeatedly stabs Pencil. But then soon...she stops and looks at me, with scary, red eyes and a crooked smile. It looked like she was coming for me next.

As soon as I saw her even move a flinch, I run as fast as I could to the front door of the house to exit

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As soon as I saw her even move a flinch, I run as fast as I could to the front door of the house to exit.

It felt like she was right behind me.

That's when I sped up faster, but that only made it worse, since I...tripped and fell. Oh my gemstone, no...

I look behind myself, seeing... Mirror Ruby right next to me, looking at me while standing there, menacingly. She was still holding her knife too.

I'm next, I'm next... oh my gemstone, what do I do?? I look around myself, but as soon as I do, she became ready to stab me with her knife.

I'm not sure if I have a choice anymore...but, I'll do this.

Just 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 when she's about to stab me, I grab onto the knife and hold it tightly with my hands. I then stab through her left hand(the hand that was holding the knife), causing her left hand to fall to the floor.

Instead of screaming or running away or something, she instead.. collapsed to the floor, with her things dropping out of her hand with her...d-did I do it?

But then wait... is this really Mirror Ruby, or was she getting controlled just now? If so, WHEN did she get controlled??

But for now, I...don't know what to do right now. Since I tripped to the floor, I stand up and- "PENCE-PENCE!!" ...I hear yelling coming from Match and Pencil's bedroom.

Startled from the sudden yell, I fall back down to the floor. The fall wasn't loud nor serious, so phew.

Before trying to stand back up again, I notice her knife and flashlight next to her, the things she was holding before she passed out. I reach out to them and grab them, the flashlight for lights and the knife for defense just in case. After that, I finally stand up. I can still hear some cries coming from the bedroom.

"I- wait... should I go to the bedroom, or..." I talk to myself and sigh, before walking back to the bedroom.

I can see Match facing Pencil on the bed, her knees to her chest, seeming to be crying silently. I feel bad... but then now, I have no idea what to do.

I face to behind myself, preparing to go out from the room once again. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘐 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘐 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯- "RUBY?!" ..whoops.

I face back to the room, hiding the hand that is holding the knife so that I don't scare Match while pointing my flashlight at her. I see that she is now sitting up straight, and that she has spotted me. "WH- WHAT ARE YOU DOING H-" *𝘎𝘈𝘚𝘗* ..huh?

"OH MY MATCH FACTORY, RUBY! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU??" "...what?" "YOUR HEAD RUBY!! IT'S LIKE- BROKEN!" Oh, right.. my...cracked head... "I have so many questions right now..." I hear Match mutter.

"What I need to know right now Ruby...is HOW ARE YOU HERE, WHY IS PENCIL LIKE THIS, WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS ASLEEP??" "u-uh..." I quietly mutter. Sh-should I tell her?-

"OH- S-SORRY IF YOU DON'T KNOW, I JUST---can't stand myself seeing Pencil like this..." She quietly says. Now I feel really bad... but.. telling her??...I don't even know if I'd be able to say it... b-but I'll just say this,

"Uh, no...sorry, I.. don't know what happened."

"Oh.. b-but what about your head? Surely you'd know what happened with your head, right?..." She says, in a soft and a bit worried voice. "Oh, well...I-I just fell, that's all." I say, soft and truthfully. "Huh, okay..."

"Oh, and like- last question. Uhh, how did you end up here? Or, you know..." I pause to think (of a lie), and it didn't take that long. "Oh, I just... woke up here for some reason. I-I don't know how, though."

There was a moment of silence. Not exactly knowing what to do here, I take the chance of exiting the room again. "Uhh, I'm...gonna go." I point my thumb to the bedroom door, aka behind me, "S-sorry about Pencil by the way..." "No worries, it's not like you're the one who did it." Then I question myself. DID I do it?... pretty much no, but.. erm, whatever. I'm just gonna go. So, I face behind myself once again and walk through the bedroom door.

"Urgh.. what do I do..." I talk to myself, holding my head in a bit of frustration. But then once I look straight forward...

I see normal Mirror Ruby.

*𝘎𝘈𝘚𝘗* "M.R! YOU'RE AWAKE!" I yell out, immediately dropping my knife while my right hand is still holding the flashlight, quickly running to her and hugging her.

With hesitation, she soon wraps her hands around me back, with a smile

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With hesitation, she soon wraps her hands around me back, with a smile.

"Nice to see you again too..? Also, what is 'MR'?" She asks me. "Oh, it just stands for Mirror Ruby. Simply just think of it as a nickname for you, by me. --I-if you're comfortable." "Ohh, I see. Of course I'm comfortable with you calling me that!" After she says that, she leans in more in the hug.

"Why so excited to see me?" She softly says. "You got controlled! Possessed! I was so worried about you..." "Oh...so you knew." I hear her mumble. "What?" I stop the hug, but still having my hands held on to her.

"Oh, I...knew I was getting controlled. Here, to say it, I...my body and stuff was getting controlled, and---you know how maybe you'd be able to see what you're doing but be unable to control it? Yeah, that's what happened." "Oh..." I understand that. "So you witnessed yourself killing Pencil?"

"...wait, I KILLED PE-" She yelled, but I cover her mouth since someone would be able to hear us, specifically Match. "You....yes you did. Did you...not see it?" "No...no, oh gemstone... W-WHERE'S PE-" She paused her talking once she saw the bedroom door, before in an instant, running to it.

"Bu- wh- RUBY! SOMEONE'S INSIDE, THEY'LL GET STARTLED OF YOU!" I call out to her. "I DON'T CARE!" She replied, with a bit of a broken voice---it sounded like tears had already filled her eyes. I then see 𝘢𝘯𝘥 hear her, bust through the door.

this might be my fav part

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